Audio Advisors: Audio Research, VPI
& Wilson Audio
Let me get this out of the way right up front. Have never been a big fan of Wilson Audio speakers from years ago due to augmented upper midrange. Sounded good at first, yet ear fatigue set in within a song or three. Fortunately they have a new ear and Wilson Audio is now sounding extremely impressive! So... Have to say Wilson speakers have definitely gotten much better sounding since Dave’s son is now voicing them. Even I’m seriously considering something along those lines now that they’ve tamed the highs and especially the upper mid range that I found problematic.
There's also an abundance of beautiful bass, yet without sounding loaded or boated. Even sound engineer Peter McGrath said the rooms was easy to work with and able to achieve beautiful sound. Must agree with Peter, and frankly have never heard the Wilson Audio speakers sound better at any show. Smooth, clean, lovely soundscape, and overall up to the level they should be considering the price. Once again it's the magic of the short wall at Florida Audio Expo 2019.
Am 100% sure Audio Research's impressive vacuum tube amps have a great deal to do with excellent sound. Truly reference quality products! Impressive imaging, nice harmonics, and overall all-day listenable sound, which is what i strive for as enjoy the music 8+ hours a day, every single day. Hey, it's like i say about my Muse/wife Heather and my job... someone has to do it :)
On static display Macintosh 2152 integrated amplifier, C70 and new MT100 all-singing all-dancing turntable / DAC. Streamer / Headamp, etc.
Here's a gear listing of Audio Advisors' Room Audio Research Two REF160M mono amp $30,000 ea. VPI HW-40 Turntable $15,000 Kiseki Purple Heart NS Moving Coil Phono Cartridge $3,200 Transparent Audio Cables 8' XL Speaker Cable $17,000 Critical Mass Systems Sotto Voce 3-tier wooden equipment rack complete starting at $3,500
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