Capital AudioFest Chronicles 2022
Room 553 Fidelity Imports (Audia Flight And
The music playing at the time was chorale music, a genre that I seldom listen to so I won't risk an evaluation here. In the past, meaning many years ago, I used to frequently see Audia Flight gear at the Montreal show. It's nice to see them exhibiting in North America again. We need to keep them in our vocabulary. I also noticed that the Niagara 3000 power conditioner had its extreme voltage led glowing red, indicative of the low voltage in the hotel during show hours.
Room 555 Fidelity Imports (Cyrus And Diptyque) What I didn't realize at the time was that Cyrus has come out with new products. Typically, I see them at the Canadian shows, but I must confess that I haven't been paying much attention to this British brand. New here was the Pre-XR preamp ($5499) and Mono Signature power amps ($4k, each?) putting out 319 watts into 6 Ohms. This goes a long way to explain why the Diptyque speakers sounded so good. Anyone who is space-challenged should take a serious look this line and I will investigate them further at future shows. The component on the bottom of the rack appeared to be an Innuos Zen Mini streamer.
The Diptyque speakers were new to me and I was impressed not only by their sound quality but also by the build quality. The thin membrane is very light and loosely mounted. I could see it flapping behind the grill as music played. It is also very fast and very transparent as you would expect from this type of speaker.
It is a combination of ribbon tweeter and magnetic planar driver, much like Magnepan, but with innovative, patented technology. One of the gentlemen from Fidelity Imports whipped out his phone and showed me a photo of the inside construction of both brands. The Diptyque was more refined as you can see even from the photo above. My most recent experiences with Magnepan have been with their entry-level models that are far less expensive than this. On the other hand, I wondered how much better the Diptyque might be with components that I'm more familiar with. This room was a real sleeper. To be continued...?
Room 557 Fidelity Imports (Acoustic Energy, English
Acoustics, Neo, And QED)
On the top shelf was a Michell Gyro SE turntable with the Technoarm tonearm ($5498/both). An Innuos ZEN Mini was the source and the new Cyrus preamp ($tbd) was to the left of it. The unit on top of those two with the arched tube guard was a phono stage whose identity escapes me. As you might have guessed from the mat on the floor, most of this gear was from the United Kingdom.