Capital Audiofest (CAF) 2021 Show Report
Alta Audio speaker w/Infigo Audio monoblock
Fyne Audio speaker
Fyne Audio desktop speaker
Triode Wire Labs, Volti speakers, Border Patrol amp, Innuos
MC Audiotech speakers, VPI turntable, Luminous Audio Technology Arion, LTA preamp, Wolf server
Wells Audio amps & DAC, Innuos server, TAD speaker, another Best Rooms
Jeff Wells of Wells Audio made a rare appearance with a full presentation of his electronics, aided with an Innuos server and TAD Evolution 1 speakers easily ranking as one of the Best Rooms at the show. In the past, I've only heard his power amplifiers with a mix of other components.
Larsen speakers, designed to be placed at the front wall.
Evo Reference Music Server
Salk BMR speakers
Dr. Vinyl's intriguing turntable with suspended tonearm, DS cartridge system and a wild record clamp.
AGD GaNFET Class D amps with Side monitor speakers, another of the Best Rooms.
Bache Acoustics speakers with wood baffles and leather covered enclosures.
AB Audio integrated amplifier
Daedalus Audio floorstanding speaker
Daedalus stability bars for speakers
DR Audio Works Model 1 speaker
Treehaus Audiolab open baffle speaker w/Richard Pinto
Treehaus amps
Treehaus Preamplifier
Acoustique Quality speakers from CZ and Amped Class D amps.
Spatial open baffle speakers
Audionec Evo 2 AS (powered sub version) speakers
Lampizator DAC, VAC Master preamp
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