Capital Audiofest (CAF) 2021 Show Report
Those who are familiar with my typical show reports recognize the paucity of written detail here. Given the situation with CV, I held off until the last minute before deciding to attend. My friend Tom an I elected to visit one day only, on Friday, to avoid the probability of larger crowds and younger attendees who may be more likely to be spreaders. Additionally, wearing masks makes communication more difficult. The temptation is to drop the mask and talk louder, or even worse, to lean in closer to the person with whom you are speaking. I chose not to fight that battle with the risk and lack of consideration for others involved. There were a lot of retired old farts at the show on Friday. Like many of them, I still have a few things left to do on my bucket list and a lot more music to enjoy. Hopefully the situation will be improved as we get this disease under control and move into 2022 with more shows on the horizon. To the presenters, I would suggest that having handouts with equipment lists and prices or a copy posted on the wall would be a huge benefit to all. Some had them; others did not. And finally, thank you to all who wore their masks throughout the show -- which was pretty much everybody. I appreciate your mutual respect. Be well.
Eikon's "almost" all-in-one system
AV Room Service, LTD footers
Norm Varney of Bending Wave, briefly unmasked
Goebel large floorstanding loudspeaker
Wadax digital front end
Anne Bisson singing to music played over Acora speakers driven by
Audio Research amps in another of the Best Rooms.
Cube Audio speakers with Pass amps, Lapizator Pacific Balanced DAC, Silversmith Fi Fidelium speaker cable, Jena Labs power conditioner
Canton speaker from Germany
Infigo Audio monoblock
Infigo Audio preamp... or server?
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