Now Listen Here, run by Matt Early, is a semi-local dealer from Pennsylvania. He teamed up with Joseph Audio and Rogue Audio as they ended up with a good sounding room that didn't need a second mortgage to afford. In addition to being value priced, Rogue makes all their gear in the USA, and Joseph assembles the speakers here as well. The addition of an open reel tape deck, a classic Technics, let us hear some early 1955 music that was surprisingly quiet, clean, and had wide dynamics. The system was set up against a corner to tame "hotel room acoustics", and as far as a soundstage goes was a big success. The Joseph Audio Profile floorstanders ($7000 per pair) were powered by a Rogue Hydra Hybrid tube/Class D amp with 100 Watts ($2995), Rogue Ninety-Nine Super Magnum preamp ($2995), and Rogue Ares tube Phono amp ($1995). A Music Hall MMF 9.1 turntable with Goldring cart ($2195) spun the records and fed the Ares as a Torus RM-20 ($3295) conditioned the line voltage. Matt said they brought a few other Rogue components with them, but on set-up day the ones listed above made the final cut.
This system presented a big soundstage, plenty of depth and the speakers vanished nicely. Good balance top to bottom, surprising low bass reach, vocals tightly focused, not leaning toward lean but with rich tone, very little box effect. The system had synergy and involved you in the music, another room to just kick back and take in some tunes. I had fun here, especially listening to RTR tapes, Peggy Lee's "Fever", Clark Terry and Freddy Hubbard, and some bossa nova with "The Girl From Ipanema", all had the crowd entertained.
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