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CES 2017 Press Center For High-End Audio By Enjoy the Music.com
CES 2017 Press Center For High-End Audio Brought To You By Enjoy the Music.com
CES 2017 Press Center For High-End Audio By Enjoy the Music.com
Genesis Advanced Technologies, Viva And VPI Join Forces @ CES 2017


Genesis Advanced Technologies, Viva And VPI Join Forces @ CES 2017


  Genesis Advanced Technologies, manufacturer of high-end luxury loudspeaker and amplifier systems will be exhibiting in the High Performance Audio Showcase at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Suite #29-233, The Venetian, Las Vegas, January 5th to 8th 2017. "Genesis has been showing at CES since 1992 and to celebrate 25 years at CES, we bring the new Mæstro," said Mr Gary Leonard Koh, CEO and Chief Designer of Genesis. "which is a 'little bit better' than the old speaker it replaced in every respect. No one big thing, but an improvement all round."


Genesis Advanced Technologies, Viva And VPI Join Forces @ CES 2017


"Since it's a party, we have our friends from VPI, Transfiguration, SMc Audio and Viva to help us put an excellent musical presentation together," continued Mr. Koh. "To dispel the notion that Genesis loudspeakers need a 1000 Watt amplifier to drive them, I'm bringing one of my favorite amplifiers this year – the 36W single-ended triode Viva Audio Aurora. This amp is hugely musical, has gobs of tone and timbre, and grabs your attention the way a great concert does."


Genesis Advanced Technologies, Viva And VPI Join Forces @ CES 2017


"Our only reference is live music. Our designs must not only reproduce the recording faithfully, they must recapture the essence and emotion of the original performance. With the new Aurora, the Viva team is closer than ever to this goal. With an entirely new power supply design, the Auroras achieve a sense of musical force and dynamic that is startling." said Mr Amedeo Schembri, Chief Designer of Viva Audio.

"With each new design, Viva sets a higher standard for musicality and fidelity to the original performance. Each time, they surprise me with something I had previously not thought possible." said Mr Bob Clarke of Profundo USA, the importer for Viva Audio in the USA.

"The preamplifier is the heart of the system and I've again borrowed from Steve McCormack his superlative SMc Audio VRE-1C. This year, he re-designed the power supply and it is again just a little bit better in every respect. I've used Steve's preamp since it was launched in 2007 and every iteration has improved on the last. Every time I think that there's no way that Steve will top his latest design, he comes out with something that knocks my socks off again…… in a good way, since what it does do best is to get out of the way and let the music through," said Mr. Koh.

"I always enjoy collaborating with Gary Koh and Genesis because he not only creates superb speakers, he is a true music lover. I deeply appreciate the fact that he could show with any preamp in the world, and he has chosen my VRE-1C to help show his speakers off to their best advantage. The preamp's power supply is at the heart of its performance, and this year I have created an entirely new power system. It still relies on choke-filtering to achieve the utmost sonic purity, but the chassis design, grounding topology, internal wiring, and a number of key parts are all new. This includes extensive use of Duelund silver wire and CAST silver capacitors, as well as outstanding 4-pole capacitors from Jensen. The net result is to lift the already superb sonics of the VRE-1C to even higher levels," said Mr Steve McCormack of SMc Audio.


Genesis Advanced Technologies, Viva And VPI Join Forces @ CES 2017


"If the preamplifier is the heart of the system, the turntable must surely be the brains. When I visited Harry Weisfeld, we had a day to 'play' and what an opportunity it was. I got to listen to him comparing the various VPI designs, and I was just mesmerized by the VPI Vanquish. I asked, no, begged Mat Weisfeld for one to use at CES," said Mr Koh. "I'm honored that he agreed as the Vanquish was not in VPI's standard line-up and he had to have one custom-built for me. It wasn't until after I received it that I realized how much bass resolution I had been leaving behind unplayed in the record. The VPI literally vanquished all the other turntables I've ever had in my system."

"Genesis and VPI share a love for music, quality products and promoting great American Hi-Fi. Both companies have made great music through our shared distribution. Now we will make a statement at CES by bringing our best of the best to the table (literally and figuratively). We couldn't be happier to have a Vanquish (or Avenger Direct) to unite with the world class work of Gary Koh," said Mr Mat Weisfeld, CEO of VPI Industries.

"At the risk of sounding like a cliché, if the turntable is the brains of a system, then the cartridge must be the eyes! And performing the duties of extracting the music from the grooves, we have the very first Transfiguration Proteus Diamond with a solid diamond cantilever in the USA. I have been using cartridges with gemstone cantilevers for many, many years but I haven't seen a diamond cantilever for a while. When Bob told me that this was better than the standard Proteus I've been using, I already knew I had to have it for CES," said Mr Koh. "It wasn't a little bit better, it was a whole lot better!"

"'The World's Most Musically Natural Cartridge' has been the tagline for Transfiguration phono cartridges for many years. With every new design, Mr. Yoshioka ensures that this remains true. Famous for 'disappearing,' for not imparting any sound of their own onto the recording, Transfiguration cartridges continue to extract more and more life from the groove with every new design. The new diamond Proteus is a giant leap forward in this respect. Every aspect of reproduction is improved over the latest, boron-cantilever Proteus S, which is already arguably among the top cartridges in the world. The diamond cantilever helps the cartridge disappear even more, leaving only the explosive dynamics, the pitch-perfect articulate bass, and famous, lifelike midrange that fills the room with those elusive clues that say: 'This is musical life, as I've only heard at a live concert.'" said Mr Clarke.

"Gary has really assembled his 'dream team' for this CES. It shows off the musicality and transparency of the Mæstros very well as I could hear every change he made to the system when he was setting it up to run-in for the show," said Ms Carolyn Koh, COO of Genesis. "We'll definitely enjoy the show as he has also picked a great selection of music to play. Not just demo music, real musical gems!"


About Genesis Advanced Technologies
Genesis Advanced Technologies is a leading designer and manufacturer of high-end, luxury and reference loudspeaker systems, amplifiers and accessories with a commitment to absolute fidelity® in product, performance, and service. The hallmarks of the "Genesis sound" are a huge family-friendly sweet-spot, top-to-bottom harmonic and rhythmic coherence, and believable "you-are-there" imaging and soundstage.

With a 40-year technology legacy, Genesis loudspeakers are often referred to as the "world's best" when it comes to high-frequency clarity and bass extension. Going beyond high fidelity to absolute fidelity, Genesis loudspeaker systems deliver a frequency range from 18Hz to 40kHz using ribbon tweeters and proprietary solid metal-cone servo-controlled and powered woofers.



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