The Big AXPONA 2024 Show Report
Euphoria Room – Valve Amplification Company And Acora
Big System Details: Lyra Atlas Lamda MC phono cartridge - $13,195 Aurender N30SA Music Server/Streamer - $25,000 LampizatOr - Poseiden DAC - €23,000 - approximately $24,500 at the time of posting United Home Audio Ultima Apollo Reel to Reel deck/w outboard power supply - $55,000 VAC Statement Line Stage - $82,000 VAC Master 300 iQMusicbloc Amplifiers - $42,000/ea Acora Acoustics VRC-1 - $218,000 base price Cardas Nautilus Power Strip - $1,200 Clear Digital Coax 75 Ohm - 1.5 M - $800 Clear Beyond Interconnect - 1.5 M - $5050/pair Clear Speaker - 2.5 M - $5,275/pair Acora SRR-V4 shelf vertical in 1.25" Nero Assoluto Granite - $8,500 Acora SRR-H2 Shelf Double width vertical in 1.25" Nero
Assoluto Granite - $8,500 VAC VAC Master Line Stage - $30,000 VAC Essence 80 iQmonoblocs - $9,990/ea – $19,980/pair VAC Master 300 iQMusicbloc - $42,000 Acora Bedrock Subwoofer Loudspeakers - $30,000/pair Acora Equipment Rack - $8,500 each Cardas Clear and Beyond Clear Cables – no pricing provided
What is left to be said about most of the products in this system? My thoughts on the VAC Statement gear are well known, as are those on the LampizatOr product lineup. I have written about both companies' products extensively over time. And though I have been well aware of the attributes of the SAT LP gear, this was my most lengthy and diverse exposure to their abilities and merely served to verify my previous appreciation of their capabilities. Finally, the way that the flagship Acora Acoustic's loudspeakers gave voice to all the music under their charge is revelatory, especially in the way they maintain their poise and grace across all volume levels, from a mere whisper to a full-throated roar! Words alone do not do justice to the beautiful look of the Acora Acoustics VRC loudspeakers in their limited special finish they call the Sunset Fire edition. This system's performance was clearly among the Top Five Rooms at this year's event.
While the sophisticated and intricate sonics routinely delivered by this large and exotic system easily earned it a place among the best-performing systems presented at this show, presenting everything with its bold, vibrant, and revelatory delivery, it was the introduction of the optionally illuminated GEM-SRB monitor loudspeakers, with their companion illuminated Bedrock subwoofers, that were also perfectly integrated stands for the GEM-SRBs, that garnered the most attention from visitors to the Euphoria room.
Set up just inside the door to the right, there can be no question that this exotic and costly monitor/sub system, presented in a combination of Acora's vibrantly colored Gemstone materials, illuminated by an internal LED option, made for quite a dramatic appearance in the darkened room. Not only were they a striking-looking combination, but they managed to recreate the power and impact of the deepest bass and restore the otherwise missing "air" and "space" of the venue of the recordings they portrayed, with conviction and authority.
Utopia C – Wynn Audio
System Details: Thiele TT01 Turntable with TA01 Tonearm - $28,000 Thiele Damping weight - $1,000 - Thiele Platter mat - $230 Karan Acoustics PHONOa Phonostage - $38,000 Kalista Dreamplay X CD Transport - $66,500 Kalista Mantax DAC - $64,300 Karan Acoustics LINEa Preamp - $41,000 Karan Acoustics POWERa MONO Amplifiers - $106,000 (pair) Vimberg Mino Loudspeakers - $40,000 Fono Acustica cabling
This room overwhelmingly earned its place in my Top Five Rooms at this year's event, just as it had done last year. Another multi-national collaboration of products, with the handmade German analog products from Helmut Thiele, the stunningly beautiful, and beautiful sounding, French Kalista digital sources, using the Serbian electronics designed by Milan Karan, to drive the Vimberg Acoustic loudspeakers, designed and built by Germany's Tidal Audio, made for one of the most impressive and engaging sounding systems at this event! When I walked in to hear an undisclosed female vocal track already queued, I was immediately taken with the visceral sense of air and space of the performance, along with such breathy vocals, that, given this simply amazing performance, I couldn't wait to hear tracks I knew.
Next up came the Music On Vinyl release of Stevie Ray Vaughn's "Tin Pan Alley." Before you respond with the common, "Oh, that gets so overplayed at shows" response, please recall the meaning of a "reference track." It gets played because people have heard it hundreds of times, on as many systems, allowing it to deliver a reference track! I was simply devastated by this performance; such a fine blend of resolution with texture and body. The track was a revelation on this system, as cymbal dynamics, especially trails, were vivid and so well-articulated, as was Stevie's 1959 Fender Strat guitar string attack, even during almost inaudible parts of his solo on this dirge-like track. Next up, a CD of the reading of the Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No. 13 by Alfred Brendel on piano, played on the flagship Kalista gear. WOW! Yet again, the system's dynamic prowess stood out. This is a recording that I've often heard sound too energized above about 3000 Hz with many digital front ends. Yet this presentation was balanced with tonal honesty, a vibrance, and an amazing sense of harmonic bloom. Bravo, Wynn!
Schaumburg F – Nordost, Stenheim, VTL, dCS, And VPI
System Details:
Not only was I able to catch up, ever so briefly, with DarTZeel's Hervé Delétraz in this room, but hearing standards like "So What," the opening cut from Miles' Kind of Blue revealed this system's extremely wide staging, beautiful tonality balance, and excellent definition and resolution.
But when a test lacquer of an upcoming piano recording release was demonstrated, the dynamics and nuances of the piano were off the hook from the opening key. While we may often forget that the piano is a percussion instrument, this system left no question of that reality, presenting a remarkably clear development of the hammer's attack on the strings. This system conveyed such engagement with the message of the music and delivered an impressively natural reverberant recreation of the front of the sounding board and the room in which the recording was made. This remarkably fine performance earned it my final Top Five Room award for the event.
And So It Goes.... And my thanks to all my friends, readers, channel viewers, and subscribers for taking the time to introduce yourselves and say hello. What a wonderful brotherhood in music we all share. Please, until next time, be sure to Enjoy the Music!
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