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AXPONA 2024 High-Performance Audio, Luxury Premium Hi-Fi Stereo Audiophile Show Report By Enjoy the Music.com


Great Memories Of AXPONA 2024
A renewed energy and inspiration for the art of high-end audio.
Audio Expo North America 2024 Show Coverage By Professor Michael Bump



Room 676    Clarisys Audio And Hegel America
In the interest of time and before moving to a few examples of note on the main floors of the show, I should recognize a lovely pairing of Hegel power components with Clarisys Audio. The mid-sized Clarisys Studio ribbons ($66,000) were singing beautifully in this room, while Room 716 featured the Studio and Minuet models, with the exclusive premiere of the Auditorium Plus driven by Convergent Audio Technology downstairs in Nirvana C Room.

The system had an attractive presence, both sonically and visually, producing an authenticity of stage and scale (esp. depth), speed, clarity, natural frequency spectrum, and an overall visceral reality to the musical moment.



Schaumburg Room H    ESD Acoustics
Yes, let's go there. A $4,000,000 system is going to command attention, and I would be remiss in not recognizing this fact. And let's face it, given the opportunity, all in attendance at this year's AXPONA needed to experience this. Premiering last year at the HIGH END 2024 Show in Munich, ESD Acoustics from China pulled out every imaginable stop in creating this amazing sound sculpture, founded on multiple carbon-fiber spherical horn Super Dragon speakers, and powered by at least a dozen AURALiC amplifiers.

Its component details are beyond the scope of this report, however, suffice it to say the musical performance was something to behold. I don't know if I was able to listen beyond the price tag equation, but ESD Acoustics surely put on a memorable show in this room!



Serenity Room    Next Level HiFi And Audio Group Denmark
Audio Group Denmark continues to flip the high-end audio world on its ears. When, upon first listen and agreeing to do the USA premiere review of the (then new) Børresen 01 two-way monitor for Enjoy the Music.com (July, 2020), I knew right then we were dealing with a game-changing influence in the industry that would be raising the bar of refined listening in profound ways:

"For me, it's not about resolution, speed, etc., but about the ability to present music. When we can afford to do things right, the game is totally different. Performance is not about sound, this bass or that treble, etc. If you listen for those things, you overlook the music. The primary objective of a fine audio system should be to convey the emotion and intent of the artist."

--  Michael Børresen



Recorded music reproduction re-imagined - Loudspeaker design re-invented. Fast-forward to this year's AXPONA 2024 show, which gave occasion for the World Premiere of the Børresen C1 two-way monitor ($16,500 incl. dedicated stand). With the range of the successful introductory X series now complete, the C series expounds by employing finer driver details, shifting from a ferrite magnet system to a neodymium system, reducing induction, making new membranes for the drivers, etc. As with prior models, a C2 and C3 full-range version will soon follow.

Driven by the AXXESS Forte 3 streamer / DAC (with Class A headphone amp, $11,000) and all subsequent AXXESS cabling, the entire system cost weighed in around $35,000. As has become expected from Michael, Lars Kristensen, and USA representatives, Peter Hansen and Tyler Mueller (NextLevel HiFi), the musical performance of this system was simply stunning.




Closing my eyes, I was easily deceived to believe this was a full range, ten times the cost, system. Once again, bravo to this team for not only delivering incredible value to a larger consumer market, but most importantly, retaining the authenticity of the recorded musical moment, regardless of cost. A Best Of AXPONA 2024 Blue Note Award winner.





Euphoria Room    Valve Amplification Company (VAC) And Acora Acoustics
In my years as an audiophile, I have met select artisan audio designers whose mission it is to not just create fine audio equipment, but true musical instruments. As a professional musician, this philosophy obviously resonates with me. All have one key trait in common, and that is they allow live music to be the key informant in the development of their audio designs, and ultimately the guiding beacon of their company's direction.

One of these respected artisans is Kevin Hays of Valve Amplification Company, based in Sarasota, Florida. In my opinion, Kevin continues to be the torchbearer for the superiority of valve amplification in recreating the live moment of recorded music, consistently demonstrating this point through his exceptional instruments. Proof of this is reinforced by the fact that, regardless of the various system consorts VAC has partnered with at international shows over the years, top awards have invariably come their way, as the resulting music produces an authentic, corporeal replication of the recorded event.

Such was the case this year as the Euphoria Room drew listeners in to be enveloped as if entering a concert hall or recording studio. The primary system of this room consisted of a pair of VAC Master 300 iQMusicbloc amplifiers ($42,000), VAC Statement Line Stage preamplifier ($82,000), and VAC Statement phono stage ($82,000) serving as the power plant. Flanking the Master 300 iQMusicblocs was a show-stopping gorgeous pair of Acora Acoustics VRC-1 granite cabinet speakers ($218,000 base price) in a special Sunset Fire finish.



The premiere of the Swedish Analog Technologies XD 1 turntable system with the CF 1-09Ti arm ($307,500) and Lyra Atlas Lamda MC (moving coil) phono cartridge ($13,195) served one side of the system's analog front-end duties, while the United Home Audio Ultima Apollo reel-to-reel deck ($55,000) served the other. Digital source components included the LampizatOr Poseidon DAC ($24,500) and Aurender N30SA Music Server / Audio Streamer ($25,000).



This was one of those rooms you could just listen to and enjoy all day, easily losing track of both time and tasks. Thankfully, the Euphoria Room served as host on Saturday evening to my colleague and friend, Greg Weaver, as he presented his annual spin session, sharing examples from his marvelous vinyl library and great stories with a packed house.



How fortunate we all were to steal a few more hours of fellowship with this wonderful audio system, every bit deserving of my Best Of AXPONA 2024 Blue Note Award show recognition.




Alas, all good things eventually come to an end, as "they" say. Plenty of great memories for the drive home Sunday, with renewed energy and inspiration for the art of high-end audio.



The determination to reproduce live music as authentically as possible by so many gifted and talented designers has never been more vibrant. From those of us who create the music, I am humbled and most appreciative of these incredible efforts. Until next time... 


"Keep rockin' in the free world."


-- Dr. Michael Bump




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