Synergistic Research always brings the goodies and tweaks to a show as they bring new ways to further enhance your musical pleasures. Their room gear is like the perfect shopping list for music lovers and tweakers alike. Berkeley Alpha DAC Reference series 2 w/ Alpha USB Module
Alas, could already see i was running very behind schedule yet a brief listen showed this system had incredible imaging and lightening-fast transient speed. Clean, clear and very detailed. Soooo wanted to come back to this room yet time was not on my side during AXPONA 2017. Check out our review of the Synergistic Research Black Quantum Fuses and UEF Black Duplex Outlet here. For those of you seeking ways to enhance your system, their power products and cables are a must-hear.
Pas Labs was at AXPONA 2017 with a wide variety of amplification, including their new Pass Labs affordable XA25 solid-state stereo amplifier ($4900). Pass Labs is now shipping their new XA25 Class A power amplifier and is the company's "most affordable power amplifier in their current line", it produces 25Wpc stereo @ 8 Ohms (50/Wpc at 4 Ohms and 100Wpc Class A/AB at 2 ohms). This is a smaller, lighter and less expensive Pass Labs Class A power amplifier yet retains the company's legendary sound quality as designed by Nelson Pass. Enjoy the Music.com has many reviews of Pass Labs gear, plus a special factory tour too. You can read our Pass Labs reviews and factory tour at this link.
Nagra and Audience teamed up with Wolf Audio Systems room who brought a beautiful horn speaker manufacturer during AXPONA 2017. While some of my notes seems to have disappeared into cyberspace somewhere, i do recall this system sounding very dynamic. While there are systems with massive front-end gear, here were have a less-is-more approach and it works splendidly!