Gingko Audio will be at AXPONA 2016 in Chicago with an abundance of gear in a variety of rooms. They are partnering with Salk Sound, Wells Audio, and Luminous Audio in Director's B in the Lower Level with a reference system featuring Salk Exotica 3 speakers, Wells Innamorata Signature amp, Luminous Audio Arion phono preamp, driven by a VPI Prime TT/3D arm and Soundsmith Hyperion cartridge, all wired up with Danacables.
Wells Audio's Innamorata Signature amplifier looks identical to the original Innamorata amplifier. It is a solid-state amplifier rated conservatively at a continuous 140 Wpc into 8 Ohms, 220 Wpc into 4 Ohms. Connections are simple: one pair of WBT NextGen RCA input jacks, no XLR jacks, and a single pair of WBT NextGen speaker terminals. The dark Plexiglas front panel has a power switch, an illuminated center voltage meter, and the product name in white script. Heat sinks run down both sides, and sturdy feet support the amplifier. The neat and clean interior of the Innamorata Signature displays high-quality transistors, resistors, capacitors and switches throughout. Wiring paths are short, and critical circuit areas are well shielded. It's easy to see the meticulous layout and workmanship of engineer Scott Frankland, who builds the amplifiers.
Enjoy the Music.com reviewer Wayne Donnelly said, "Listening 'epiphanies' have been happening to me since I began my Innamorata journey. In all my decades of seeking audio that can seriously challenge listening to live music, nothing has brought me closer than these Innamorata Signatures". See his review of the Wells Audio Innamorata Signature amplifier at this link.
Within the Sherman room at the Lower Level, Gingko Audio will introduce a sub-$10,000 system that includes a pair of new Salk 3-way speakers, Wells Majestic integrated amp, driven by a new Salk Streamer combined with the Lampizator Amber DAC all wired up with DanaCables also.
In the EarGear Expo Gingko Audio's sister company, DanaCable, will show the new $1499 Wells Milo headphones amplifier along with the Wells HeadTrip and Enigma amps, all showing a direct comparison between DanaCable and stock cables for HIFIMAN and Enigma Acoustics headphones.
Within Enjoy the Music.com's review of the DanaCable braided Onyx speaker cables, Mr. Flood said, " For all but the most demanding "money is no object" dream system, I can easily recommend the slinky black Dana Cable by Gingko Audio's braided Onyx loudspeaker cables. I am impressed with their looks, technology, sound, feel and value." Read the review at this link.
More Details Sherman Room in Lower Level: EarGear Expo in Lobby Level:
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