AXPONA 2016 Show Report --
Audio Expo North America
Etymotic Research Releases Their

Often considered the reference for neutrality, Etymotic
Research will be announcing the release of two updated models of their popular ER4 in-ear monitors at AXPONA 2016. These new models will represent the first significant update to the line in 20 years.
The first model, the ER4XR offers a slight bass boost, relative to the classic ER4 signature. Etymotic sought to address a long-standing customer request with this model, bridging the gap between their famous neutral sound signature and the more bass-intensive signature of popular consumer hi-fi IEMs.

The other model, the ER4SR Studio Reference Monitor, is geared toward audio professionals. It offers higher sensitivity and uncompromising accuracy for the most demanding reference
applications. Etymotic
Research has enhanced the matching sensitivity so it is the same with both models, which is 98dB at 100
mV. The XR model is tuned for those enjoy more bass, whereas the SR is more neutral.
Oh, by the way the cable is now user replaceable.

Both models will be priced at $349 and will feature metal bodies with an anodized finish and a user-replaceable Kevlar cable.
Stay tuned to Enjoy the Music.com for impressions.
-- Dave Hanson
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