
Our Spectacular 30th Anniversary!
Honoring Enjoy the Music.com's
exceptional articles and reviews.
During 2025, Enjoy the Music.com
will feature historic audio gear reviews and articles during our past 30
years. As always, in the end what really matters is that
you... enjoy the music!
Audio & Music Industry News
Essential high-end audio news you need to know.
Stay up-to-date on the latest audiophile and music industry news.
The Future Of Our Audiophile Hobby Part 1
Roger Skoff writes of things to come and how to make them better.
By Roger Skoff
I was recently asked
by someone why I never write about how brilliantly the consumer electronics
industry is doing and how, from being initially a hobby and then a cottage
industry, some hi-fi companies are now being recognized by the big companies,
acquired by them, and becoming, themselves, important contributors to the world
economy, elements of our lifestyle, and shapers of our common future. All of those things are true. The consumer
electronics industry has become colossal and affects the lives of every one
of us in more ways than I can count. The problem is that it's not our
sector of the industry that's being promoted by mainstream media outlets
and, in turn, becoming essential to the way we live.
The Future Of Our Audiophile Hobby Part 1.
Is The High-End Audio Sector Properly Represented?
Industry education? Comments? Suggestions?
Article By Steven R. Rochlin
As the yearly Consumer Electronic
Show (CES) is only a few weeks away, i can not help but wonder if the high-end
is properly represented. First we have the self proclaimed Academy Advancing
High Performance Audio & Video (AAHPAV) who seems to be on thorazine, then
there is the upcoming CES where there are no conferences scheduled for the
high-end audio community, and lastly the impressive departure of many
manufactures from the official CES show who are instead attending The Home
Entertainment Show (T.H.E. Show). The AAHPAV was active at the Hi-Fi shows a few years back. Three
years ago they has some wonderful classes lead by industry leaders and
---> Is The High-End Audio Sector Properly

Love It Or Hate It, 2025 Is About AI
Wireless mics are a critical market segment too.
Editorial By J. Martins
There was so much we had planned to talk about in this issue of audioXpress... But as always,
there's only a certain number of pages. We will definitely be coming back to the topic of microphones this year, given that a lot is happening in
"conventional" and wireless microphones. And likewise, we will need to cover so much of what is happening in artificial intelligence (AI) and microphone integration for audio processing. Just as we are sending this issue to the printers, pre-CES news in this field continues to
flow. In this issue's Market Update, we have discussed developments in the cutting-edge MEMS microphone space that represents a massive amount of business when it comes to capturing sound sources for recording or transmission.
---> Love It Or Hate It, 2025 Is About AI.
It's All Good
We're living in the most diverse time for music acquisition and enjoyment.
Editorial By Alan Sircom
The WWI French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau famously once said,
"Generals always fight the last war." That statement applies as much in audio as it did in the trenches of
Ypres. Although, fortunately,
audio's butcher's bill is a lot lighter. We're in 2025, now. We didn't get replicants or flying cars, but a quarter of a century into the millennium, we need to stop thinking like we are still living in the last
one. What's great about right now in the audio world is we are living in an
'it's all good' time. It doesn't matter whether you want to listen to music on LP, tape, CD, SACD, streamed, downloaded, on compact cassette, MiniDisc (yes, there are still collectors) or sent by semaphore. Nobody really cares whether you listen using tubes, solid-state, IC-based, in Class A, AB, D, or F#.
---> It's All Good.
Florida International Audio Expo
2025 Show
High-end audio / audiophiles and music
lovers rejoice in Tampa.
Florida International Audio Expo 2025 takes place from February 21st through
23rd at the Sheraton Tampa Brandon, the event's new, and larger, venue. The Florida International Audio Expo will showcase many floors
filled with exhibit spaces featuring the latest in home and portable audio gear.
You may enjoy an abundance of great sound from mono to stereo and immersive, plus various
exhibit room will feature never before seen new products! Show attendees are the
world's first to experience many of the best new high-performance, hi-resolution
modern audio
With many floors and large conference rooms of demonstrations to explore, attendees can experience
luxurious immersive premium audio electronics, loudspeakers, turntables, and high-end
audio headphones produced by manufacturers from all around the world.
---> Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report.
Dan D'Agostino MAS
Momentum Lifestyle Integrated Amplifier w/DAC & Audio Streaming Review
Only for music lovers, because that is the MLife's raison d'être – to enable the listener to revel in
one's love of music.
Review By
Tom Lyle
audiophiles are familiar with the name Dan D'Agostino, by virtue of him being
the founder, CEO, and chief engineer at Krell which he founded in 1980. The
products made by Krell, which included everything from power amplifiers to SACD
players and speakers, were some of the best high-end components available. In
2009 he was ousted by investors that he invited into the company because
they thought the company should change direction. Almost immediately after
leaving Krell, he formed Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Systems. On a personal note, when I first became
interested in audio in the 1970s the common wisdom at that time, and for quite a
while after that, was that all power amplifiers that measure the same, sound the
Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Systems Momentum Lifestyle Integrated Amplifier w/DAC & Audio Streaming Review.
Oracle Audio Delphi MK VI Turntable Review
A first-class turntable with incredibly advanced power supplies.
Review By
Tom Lyle
My first "real" turntable after years of listening to
crummy mass-market contraptions was an AR ES-1. Mounted on its arm-board was a
Grace tonearm, but I eventually upgraded to a Magnepan model, which as it turned
out was not really an upgrade but merely a move sideways. At the time I was
listening to the AR table in my humble high-end system I was also spending lots
of my audiophile hours with the now legendary Herb Papier, the maker of the
Tri-Planar tonearm. He became, for lack of any other term, my analog and
high-end mentor. Eventually he sold me his original version of the Oracle
Delphi, which was one of his first "modern" high-end tables that he owned, of
which he spent many hours and a good sum of money modifying.
Oracle Audio Delphi MK VI Turntable With SME V Tonearm Review.
Watt / Pass Labs SIT-2
Stereo Amplifier Review
excellent Watts!
Review By A. Colin Flood
On several
systems including mine, the SIT-2 did not sound like a tube amplifier. It was
better in some respects. Nor did it sound like solid-state either. It was better
in many respects there too. The new Static Induction Transistor SIT-2 stereo
amplifier from Pass' First Watt company is a plain dark-gray box. Sure, it has
signature Pass cooling fins sticking out at an angle like Batman's car, but
small, bright blue LED eyes replace the famous big, blue Pass meter. The
amplifier doesn't look monstrously powerful. It isn't either. Intended so its
first Watt is the best, the SIT-2 amplifier is rated at only 10 Watts output.
Designed to sound like tubes, instead the SIT amplifier does not sound like
First Watt / Pass Labs SIT-2 Stereo Amplifier Review.
Abyss AB-1266 Planar Magnetic Headphones
The journey is the destination.
Review By
Dave Hanson
The practice of building a home system and tweaking it to
perfection is a time-honored tradition among music lovers and audiophiles. And I'm not just talking about buying equipment and is plainly evident within my
review of the Abyss AB-1266 headphones and you'll soon learn. It's about
perfecting the angle of the speaker. Damping the reflective surfaces of the
room. Perhaps even rewiring the electrical sockets in search of that last one or
two percent. Few understand this practice better than Joe Skubinski of JPS
Labs, a man who has built a name for himself in the world of high-end cables. A
close listen to other JPS designs such as the Aluminata Power Cable ($3999)
reveals a prodigious level of attention to detail at every stage of the build.
Abyss AB-1266 Planar Magnetic Headphones Review.

OPPO BDP-105 3D Blu-ray
Universal Disc
Player Review
I'd call it more of a disc player A/V processor.
Article By Bill Gaw
When you read this I'll be sunning
myself during my three- month semi-retirement in the Caribbean. Why do I mention
that? Because I'll probably be lying back on a chaise lounge with headphones on
listening to this newest and best player that OPPO has
produced. There, I've probably ruined the rest of the article for readers
familiar with the units from this company. In the past, they've always shown up
on lists for best "Product of the Year" especially for the price, and this one
is no exception. I do have a gripe with OPPO over the naming of
this unit which will become clearer as you read further; thus the parentheses in
the title. Over the past several years, I've reviewed just about
every one of their top- of- the- line players, and in each case
have found them to be equal to or better than products two to three times their
---> OPPO BDP-105 3D Blu-ray "Disc Player" Review.

Benchmark DAC1 USB And Bel Canto e.One
Dac3 Review
Two digital preamps under
careful scrutiny and testing.
Article By Steven Stone
may well ask, "What defines a digital preamp?" Simply stated, a digital preamp
is a two-channel preamp that accepts digital input sources and outputs variable
levels of analog signals. It incorporates a fully featured DAC (digital-to- analog
converter) so in most cases it can handle not only 44.1kHz red-book CDs but
also MP3s and 48kHz on up DVD soundtracks. Such a device can reduce the number of
components in a system by at least one (an outboard DAC is no longer needed) and
in the case of both the Benchmark DAC1 USB and Bel Canto e.One Dac3, since they
both have USB input capabilities, a USB to SPIF converter box also becomes
---> Benchmark DAC1 USB And Bel Canto e.One Dac3
PureAudioProject Duet 15 Loudspeaker Review
A benchmark performance open baffle loudspeaker.
Review By Dr. Jules Coleman
Featuring the
extraordinary Voxativ Pife full range driver mated to a comparably fast 15"
woofer, the PureAudioProject (PAP) Duet 15 offers the listener an unrivaled,
relaxed, unhurried, yet fully resolved natural and immediate musical experience
that box speakers, for the most part, can only dream of providing, and one that
competitor open baffle designs will struggle, most likely with only limited
success, to equal. These speakers are unassuming, seductive, and enthralling. I
found myself unable to resist falling into the music's awaiting arms for the
better part of the several months I was fortunate enough to have them in my
home. The term 'open baffle' is vague. The standard design consists of a single baffle (think of the 'front baffle' of an enclosed speaker) on which one or more drivers are affixed. All open baffle speakers produced by PureAudioProject are of this sort.
---> PureAudioProject Duet 15 Loudspeaker Review.
LessLoss Giant Steps Equipment Feet Review
Enjoying the purity and immediacy of the music.
Review By Rick Becker
I caught wind of the new Giant Steps footers from LessLoss audio I contacted
Louis Motek immediately. Having written the first review of both his BlackGround
Power Base and BlackGround for Speakers, I have very high regard for his work
and the review samples of both reside in my system. The Giant Steps footers are
even better, he claimed. I would like nine, I said, to try them on three
successive components in the rig to experience how the effect intensifies and to
try them under the corners of my loudspeakers. There was just one problem. It was the Fall audio show season
and I was committed to covering the Toronto Audiofest
2024 in October and the Capital
Audiofest 2024 in November. Back-to-back. I finished the Toronto report on a
Wednesday and on Thursday I drove down to Rockville, MD. I knew I would not have
time to write a review until the January issue....
LessLoss Giant Steps Equipment Feet Review.
Orchard Audio PecanPi+ Streamer Premium Review
Savory or a sweet dessert?
Review By Ric Mancuso / Bargain Audiophile
those who are new to this relatively new class of audio components, my review of
the Orchard Audio PecanPi+ Streamer Premium will further educate you on the
advantages and benefits of this component. First, let me explain what an audio /
music streamer does. We are all familiar with streaming movies with Apps
that allow you to watch movies at your convenience without having to purchase
physical media. The video/audio stream comes from the provider/server as a
continuous digital stream of bits like a CD. However, with streaming the digital
CD if you will, lives in the Cloud. Unlike a CD, you don't have to store it.
The content is stored for you to access whenever it is convenient for listening.
A music streamer (or network audio streamer) must manage many different wireless
sources as well as be able to play music files from local storage on your
Orchard Audio PecanPi+ Streamer Premium Review.
World Premiere Review!
FiiO S15 Music Streamer, Hi-Res DAC, And Bluetooth Receiver Review
The FiiO S15's ease of use and impressive features is matched by its' excellent sound quality.
Review By Tom Lyle
I am a proponent of FiiO's portable digital audio players (DAPs). Since I'm an
audiophile practically obsessed with music but cannot sit in front of my main
audio system to listen to music 24/7, using a DAP is not an option but a must.
I've auditioned many DAPs in the past, and since the spring of 2024, I've been
using FiiO's top-of-the-line M17 "Portable Desktop-Class Music
Player" daily. It has the best sound quality of any sub-$2000 DAP I've ever
heard. When I was offered the opportunity to review
FiiO's new S15 Music Streamer / Hi-Res DAC / Bluetooth Receiver, I immediately said
"yes." After FiiO began marketing their all-in-one desktop
system, the approximately 6" square R7, in early 2023, they decided to
continue developing this type of product and now offer audiophiles and music
lovers the subject of this review: their component-sized S15, a streamer that
can also be used as a preamp, a DAC, and a Bluetooth receiver.
FiiO S15 Music Streamer, Hi-Res DAC, And Bluetooth Receiver Review.

Jupiter Copper Foil Paper & Wax Capacitor Review
Article By
Jonathan Lo
The Jupiter HT line of capacitors utilizing aluminum foil in beeswax impregnated paper dielectric has been a favorite among audiophiles for quite some time. This unique dielectric and construction technique has resulted in an extremely unique capacitor that has emphasized an organic, natural presentation with the goal of minimizing synthetic, plasticky taste in many
"modern" capacitors utilizing non-natural materials. The original Jupiter beeswax capacitor did have issues with the wax tending to melt at high temperatures, but the current
"HT" version uses improved wax impregnation techniques and reinforced paper dielectric, resulting in temperature stability to 70 degree Celsius/158 Fahrenheit. It is proudly manufactured in U.S.A. with cryogenic treatment to top off with that proverbial cherry.
---> Jupiter Copper Foil Paper & Wax Capacitor Review.

The Intro: My Daughter Is Now
Four Years Young...
Editorial By Art Dudley
By the time you read this my daughter
will be four years old. This morning I took Julia to preschool, but when we got there I realized
I'd forgotten to bring her lunch, so I told the teachers I would return with it later
on. I went back at noon, brown bag in hand, and walked into the classroom just as everyone was settling down on the big
story rug for a big story. When Julia saw me her face lit up and she shouted, "Daddy!" She jumped up and ran to me
and gave me the biggest hug ever, in history. While she was hugging me she continued to say, "My Daddy! My Daddy!,"
and patted me on the back the way she does lately. All you parents out there know what I'm talking about, don't
---> The Intro: Editorial By Art Dudley.
More Than Meets The EYE
Article By Joe Roberts
In principle, everybody seems to agree that live music should be the reference by
which reproduction is judged. However, one of the great dilemmas which confronts the audiophile is that you get so good at listening, so perceptive of nuance
and aware of the characteristics of the media, that you can't easily be fooled into
believing there is live music in your room. Paradoxically, the better we learn to
hear the farther we stray from oneness with "the music." Our real break with the audio past is in the ways we listen, not in the new
technologies we use. Through methodical self-reflection and meticulous training, the
modern audiophile has learned to listen in new ways and for new things. In the 20 or 30 years we have been developing these novel uses for our ears, we
have gotten very good at listening analytically and describing what we hear in a
bizarre and specialized jargon which only makes sense to those of us in the
---> More Than Meets The
AGD "The Audion" GaNTube
Monoblocks Review
Class D reaches the upper echelon of high-end audio.
Review By Rick Becker
at the turn of the millennium you could put together a pretty good audio system
for $10,000, and you could listen to many of those components in a local brick
& mortar store if you lived in a decent size city. Sure there was some
stratospherically priced gear in the $10,000 to $20,000 range you might
be able to see if you went to one of the audio shows on the left or right
coasts. Then along came "quantitative easing" and the internet. Gear got more
expensive, the brick & mortar landscape eroded and major as well as regional
audio shows proliferated. Eventually, higher prices seemed to have attracted
more well-heeled patrons to the hobby, not unlike what happened to the bicycle
industry a generation or two earlier.
AGD "The Audion" GaNTube Monoblocks Review.
LampizatOr Baltic 3 Hi-Res DAC Review
A new approach to Noval tube design from
Review By Greg Weaver
Founded near Warsaw Poland in 2010, while LampizatOr
builds electronics and speakers, many are not aware of those offerings, as it
was their exceptional tubed DACs that first put the company on the map. Owned
and operated exclusively by its designer Łukasz Fikus, after hearing the
disarming $17,250 Golden Gate
DAC some seven years ago, then the even more
engaging $27,000 Pacific DAC at a show during 2018, the reason for their success became
apparent. Both these SET-based devices offered a conspicuous step closer to the
undeniable naturalness, organic coherence, and space and dimensionality offered
by the very best LP transcription systems. Łukasz and LampizatOr North America principal Fred Ainsley have recently
announced the launch of the nearly $50,000 Horizon DAC, which I will get to hear
at its official launch during the third Florida Audio Expo in mid-February of
this year.
LampizatOr Baltic 3 Hi-Res DAC Review.
Phillips Design OH-16 Omnidirectional
Loudspeaker Review
Giving you all the music you love.
Review By Dwayne Carter
Design made a bit of a splash at AXPONA in April of 2023, with their inaugural
display of the Phillips Design OH-16 Omnidirectional three-way loudspeakers.
Unable to attend AXPONA 2023; I was more than pleased with the opportunity to
review a pair. These stylish loudspeakers arrived via freight, in a crate much
larger than anticipated. Receiving a well-traveled demo pair, it is unknown
whether standard production (consumer) speakers will be shipped the same way. Once unlocked, the crate door swings out to reveal both
speakers. While well-designed, it still required two people to maneuver the
speakers from the crate. Weighing 78 lbs each; while not extremely heavy, the
round speakers require careful handling. With wood (usually teak) slats towards
the top, and the 12" carbon fiber composite cone located on the bottom;
careful handling is a must. Once in place in the Audio Room (thanks for the
help, Timmy), the protective cloth covers were removed to reveal the speakers. To say the Phillips Design OH-16 omnidirectional three-way
loudspeakers are unique would be an understatement.
Phillips Design OH-16 Omnidirectional Loudspeaker Review.
Børresen X2 Floorstanding Loudspeakers Review
Fantastic-sounding sleek speakers.
Review By Tom Lyle
The Børresen X2 is the smallest
speaker in Børresen's X-Series. Even though it is Børresen's smallest speaker
in that line, it is a floorstanding speaker 3.5 feet tall and weighs 80 pounds.
Børresen's website calls the X2 intro-level speaker. At $8,800 a pair,
whether one considers this price entry-level is debatable, but everything is
relative – compared with the other speakers in Børresen's X-series, the X2 is
reasonably priced. And as you'll read in this review (spoiler alert!), I
have nothing but praise for the Børresen X2. After unpacking the X2s, I discovered that this slim, stylish
2.5-way floorstanding speaker had quite a small footprint. Viewed from above,
the speakers are more or less triangular. The X2's front baffle is about one
foot wide, but its cabinet narrows as it reaches its rear panel, which is a mere
one inch wide. This narrow rear panel appears slightly wider at points to
allow for the speaker's ports, three round cylinders near the top of its
cabinet, and three near the bottom. At first glance, I thought that the ports
resembled exhaust pipes!
Børresen X2 Floorstanding Loudspeakers Review.
Acoustic Sounds Office Tour With Chad Kassem
the Music.com and Enjoy the
Music.TV presents to you our tour of the Acoustic Sounds offices. We join owner Chad Kassem as he takes us through their impressive offices, including their historic turntable room and incredible vinyl vault! Editor and Creative Director of
Enjoy the Music.com and Enjoy the Music.TV, Steven R. Rochlin, mans the camera as we explore Acoustic Sounds main office
facility. Quality Record Pressings (QRP), part of Acoustic
Sounds, is a vinyl record pressing plant located in Salina, Kansas, launched by Chad Kassem in 2011. QRP is known for its commitment to producing some of the highest quality audiophile pressings
available. QRP uses three different types of record presses - Toolex Alpha, SMT, and Finebilt - all equipped with modifications that have never been tried in the record pressing
industry. These presses allow for greater control over the pressing process, ensuring consistent
quality. QRP focuses on producing records with exceptional sound quality.
Acoustic Sounds Office Tour With Chad Kassem.

All Things Must Pass: The Rise And Fall Of Tower Records
Thanks to Gravitas Movies you can now
enjoy this special documentary about Tower Records.
For this week's Film Friday Enjoy the Music.com is featuring
All Things Must Pass: The Rise And Fall Of Tower Records. Established in 1960, Tower Records was once a retail powerhouse with 200 stores, in 30 countries, on five continents. This documentary, directed by Colin Hanks, is about the rise and fall of this once great retailer. Many music lovers within the world are familiar with Tower Records, the company that
advertised its East 4th Street and Broadway New York City location as "The Largest Record-Tape Store in the Known World". This documentary also offers insights into the critical upheavals in the 21st-century recording industry and music
All Things Must Pass: The Rise And Fall Of Tower Records.

Metronome Le Dac
Digital-To-Analog Converter Review
And the Technicolor Dream.
Review By Paul Schumann
of you who have read some of my previous reviews know that I am in some ways a
throwback, sticking with my compact discs while some audiophiles have moved to
uncompressed digital files and others have embraced the vinyl side. I have a lot
of CDs, and by God, I'm going to still listen to them. A few years ago I purchased the iFi
Audio iDSD, and that opened
up my world on how far digital has come in the last decade. At $599, it's one
the great bargains in audio. But sometimes you start to wonder, are those fancy
high-end DACs really that much better? A few months ago, I noticed an announcement for a new DAC by a
company called Metronome. Appropriately it is called Le Dac.
---> Metronome Le Dac Digital-To-Analog Converter Review.

How A Vinyl LP Record Is Made
We tour Quality Record Pressings / Acoustic Sounds vinyl LP pressing
Video By Steven R. Rochlin
Enjoy the Music.com presents to you our tour of the Quality Record Pressings (Acoustic Sounds) vinyl LP pressing plant. We join plant manager Gary and owner Chad Kassem as they take us on a step-by-step journey through how a vinyl LP record is produced. Creative Director of
Enjoy the Music.com Steven R. Rochlin guides you on his Quality Vinyl Pressings factory tour to learn how they produce a vinyl LP.
There are many steps that go into making the perfect album, and it is
fascinating how a puck of specialized material creates your favorite
music on vinyl LP. As always, in the end what really matters is that you... Enjoy the
Learn How A Vinyl LP Record Is Produced.
Nagra Tube DAC And Classic PSU Power
Supply Review
Sonic glory... worth it!
Review By
Tom Lyle
is a Swiss audio equipment manufacturer that has been in business for over 65
years. Their professional portable tape records were an industry standard for
many decades, even appearing as props in many films and television shows. Their
reputation was rock-solid even before they started manufacturing high-end audio
equipment in the 21st Century. Because of this, and because of the fine high-end audio
components they've been designing and manufacturing since 2012, I suppose there
are many audiophiles, and plenty of non-audiophile, who might add the Nagra Tube
DAC and its matching Classic PSU power supply to their systems without an
audition, or without reading reviews on the subject.
Nagra Tube DAC And Classic PSU Power Supply Review.
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