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April 2025

Celebrating Our Spectacular 30th Anniversary!
Honoring Enjoy the Music.com's exceptional articles and reviews.
During 2025, Enjoy the Music.com will feature historic audio gear reviews and articles during our past 30 years. As always, in the end what really matters is that you... enjoy the music!



High-Performance Audio & Music Industry News Essential high-end audio news you need to know. Stay up-to-date on the latest audiophile and music industry news.

High-Performance Audio & Music Industry News
Essential high-end audio news you need to know.
Stay up-to-date on the latest audiophile and music industry news.



The Future Of Our Audiophile Hobby Part 3

The Future Of Our Audiophile Hobby Part 3
More about things to come and how to make them better.
Article By Roger Skoff
In Part 1 of "The Future Of Our Audiophile Hobby", and more in Part 2 of The Future about our hobby and the industry that serves it, I wrote about earlier times, when our hobby was at its peak and everyone was "into" stereo and hi-fi, and the future seemed unlimited. I also recounted how the old saying "Familiarity breeds contempt" proved to be true and, as "hi-fi" (or the "mid-fi"-or-less gear claiming to be it) and stereo lost their novelty and became commonplace, the old "What have you done for me lately?" syndrome set in and – like the ears on the sides of our heads – people not only stopped commenting on them, they also stopped noticing them as well. As I pointed out in Part 2 of this article, it's gotten so bad that many people – largely among the young, but including one woman in her fifties that I specifically mentioned last time, have never heard or don't know the meaning of the words "hi-fi" and "stereo".
---> The Future Of Our Audiophile Hobby Part 3.



audioXpress April 2025

From the Editor's Desk: Are We Going Too Far, Too Fast?
Knowing in advance that a particular approach is not feasible is also very valuable.
Editorial By J. Martins
As a premise for many articles that we review, support, and approve for audioXpress, there are many that actually suggest more questions than answers and essentially make us question our acquired knowledge. That's OK, and we encourage that. We should always look at new questions in order to find solutions for problems we ignored, disregarded, or simply were not aware existed. Please feel free to send us suggestions, abstracts, drafts, or fully expanded essays on audio-related topics. In any discipline. I fundamentally believe we have a long way to go to fully understand sound propagation and how to optimize our own electroacoustical systems to fully leverage sound reproduction. We continuously review research work and published material going back multiple decades — something we are forced to do to be able to recognize how much of what is being written today is actually new and "advances the evolution of audio technology" as our magazine motto states. And the more we do it with today's technology and acquired knowledge, the more we identify ignored problems, oversimplifications of concepts that were not understood at the time and were not considered to be relevant, and sometimes lines of thought that lead to a conclusion that was misleading because the author didn't previously eliminate potential variables in his own research. Does that make that work invalid or less useful?
---> Are We Going Too Far, Too Fast?



Hi-Fi+ March 2025

Modern Recording And Replay Techniques
Enjoying great music and excellent equipment for playback.
Editorial By Alan Sircom
Because recording sound (and moving images) have been with us from birth, we have a tendency to take them for granted. But, a combination of two things this month demonstrated just how much wonder we got from that first encounter with recorded sound. In researching this month's feature about sources, we went right back to the mid-19th century. That first recording that was finally transcribed into sound in 2009; to ears that are used to modern recording and replay techniques, this version of 'Au Clair de la Lune' sounds like someone shaking bees in a tin, and the earliest surviving Edison recordings fare little better. But to the ears of someone of 150 years ago, this was sheer magic! It's impossible for us to comprehend that, as the rise of technology has made us a little immune to wonder. Also, the ubiquitous nature of recorded sound today means it needs to be something really special to trigger such strong emotions. However, if you cast your mind back to that first time you heard what really good audio can do, you get a taste of that sense of wonder. Once heard, though, it's hard to experience that in repeated listening sessions.
---> Modern Recording And Replay Techniques.



Do It Yourself High-End Stereo Audio Phile Reviewing Become the high-end audio reviewer you've always dreamed of!

Do It Yourself High-End Stereo Audio Phile Reviewing
Become the high-end audio reviewer you've always dreamed of!
Article By Nilhcor R. Nevets
In  high school we had some lame, yet kinda fun little games. One of 'em was this fun book where you added your own parts of a pre-made sentence by having a friend ask you for a noun, verb... whatever. They added your responses into the sentences to complete the page. In the end you came up with something so totally outrageously funny that you almost lost yer lunch. Well, it's back and comin' straight at cha! With the below article, you too can be a 100% bonafide pro-fessional re-viewer. Welcome to the ranks of the few, the proud, the neurotic (and we know certain reviewers are narcissists). Simply copy these pages, have a friend or you yourself fill in the blanks and you're well on your way to being among the few, the low-lifes, the self-proclaimed professional reviewer like me! Once all the blanks are filled in, VEEOLA, you got yourself a ready-for-prime-time review.
---> Do It Yourself High-End Stereo Audio Phile Reviewing.



The Milto-Burlitz Guide To Reading, Understanding And Enjoying Audio Reviews Article By Fred Manteghian of The Audio Adventure

The Milto-Burlitz Guide To Reading,
Understanding And Enjoying Audio Reviews

Article By Fred Manteghian of The Audio Adventure
We'll be the first to admit that reading audio reviews can be a daunting task. Do you find yourself wondering, "What are they talking about?" or "I never heard that --- am I missing something?" Well, we reviewers can be an obtuse bunch when we want to. Let's look at some of the phrases you'll encounter in your readings. We'll explain them to you in plain English, and in no time at all, you'll be an expert as well....
---> The Milto-Burlitz Guide To Reading, Understanding And Enjoying Audio Reviews.



Radio Shack's Realistic System 200 Stereo Review

Radio Shack's Realistic System 200 Review
Tremendous features and an authentic value!
Review By Mark Rochlin
Today I received the most amazing unit to evaluate, the Realistic System 200! New for 1988, this unit represents a new peak of the Tandy / Radio Shack line and continues the tradition of quality and value that makes Radio Shack famous and guarantees their continued success. Their System 200's ingenious design revolves around both sonic excellence and ease of use. Styled in a custom made faux walnut-looking rack with matching speakers, this unit will enhance the style of your living room. Radio Shack has taken the unique approach of enclosing the entire unit within one single chassis. This allows them to invest into their system where it counts, the internal electronics.

---> Radio Shack's Realistic System 200 Stereo Review.



Bauhutte Audiophile, Home Cinema, DAW, And Gaming Bed

Bauhutte Audiophile, Home Cinema, DAW, And Gaming Bed
Nearfield audio mastering / gaming bed for those on Staycation.
Article By Steven R. Rochlin
Wake up and move from bed to desk in a matter of seconds as your bed 'transforms' into a digital audio workstation (DAW nearfield monitors. It can also be used as a gaming bed as well. In addition, those who add more speakers may enjoy a truly immersive experience! Stuck in Staycation 2020 due to the Coronavirus? This problem is solved by The Gamebed from Japan. It features a lifting headboard that adds functional storage to the bedside and a bed desk that can be set at the foot of a single bed. As soon as you get up, you are already at work at your digital audio workstation (DAW), or home audio system. Movie lovers can enjoy an immersive experience as you add more speakers and active subwoofer too! The ultimate bed for music and movie lovers, plus recording and mastering engineers has finally arrived!
---> Bauhutte DAW, Audiophile, Home Theater, And Gaming Bed.



Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report

Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report
High-end audio / audiophiles and music lovers rejoice in Tampa.
The Florida International Audio Expo 2025 takes place from February 21st through 23rd at the Sheraton Tampa Brandon, the event's new, and larger, venue. The Florida International Audio Expo will showcase many floors filled with exhibit spaces featuring the latest in home and portable audio gear. You may enjoy an abundance of great sound from mono to stereo and immersive, plus various exhibit room will feature never before seen new products! Show attendees are the world's first to experience many of the best new high-performance, hi-resolution modern audio products. With many floors and large conference rooms of demonstrations to explore, attendees can experience luxurious immersive premium audio electronics, loudspeakers, turntables, and high-end audio headphones produced by manufacturers from all around the world.
---> Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report.



Southwest Audio Fest 2025 High-End Audio / Audiophile Show Report

Southwest Audio Fest 2025 Show Report
SWAF 2025 high-end audio / audiophile event coverage.
Now in their second year, the Southwest Audio Fest (SWAF) high-end audio show by the dynamic duo Gary Gill (Capital Audiofest) and Lou Hinkley (Pacific AudioFest / Daedalus Audio) brings magical music to Dallas. SWAF 2025 follows their sensational success with the popular Pacific Audio Fest event. Attendees may listen to many of the world's top manufacturers who create a wide variety of exciting home and portable audio products. Within this expansive Resort environment, bask in luxurious sounds that caress your ears and bring newfound meaning to many of the songs you've heard many times in the past. The show promoters worked very hard to secure this amazing event venue, which is extremely safe, family fun friendly, and features great weather during March too! All this and more within a curated experience filled with fine art and acres of event space.
---> Southwest Audio Fest 2025 Show Report.



Montréal Audiofest 2025 Show Info & Report

Montreal Audiofest 2025 Audiophile Show Info & Report
The Salon Audio Montreal Audiofest 2025 takes place from March 28th through 30th with more than 5000 visitors expected who desired listening, seeing, and touching over 300 brands of high-end audiophile products all under one roof. As the largest show in Canada, attendees will experienced the very best high-end audio and video/videophile industry distributors, manufacturers, and retailers in Canada. Within each listening room, exhibitors are overjoyed to share their passion for music with you by demonstrating some of the world's best sound systems from $5000 to $500,000. Montréal Audiofest is celebrating its 36th edition in 2025 and remains the must-attend event for audiophiles, high-end audio gear enthusiasts, and music lovers.
---> Montreal Audiofest 2025 Audiophile Show Info & Report.



Grandinote Mach 8 XL Floorstanding Loudspeaker Review Reproducing the heart and soul within recorded music. Review By Dr. Matthew Clott

World Premiere Review!
Grandinote Mach 8 XL Floorstanding Loudspeaker Review
Reproducing the heart and soul within recorded music.
Review By Dr. Matthew Clott
What has eight woofers, one horn compression tweeter, no crossovers (well maybe a single capacitor, first order high pass for the tweeter. So a filter, not formally a crossover), and a semi resonance tube 'transmission line like' cabinet? You guessed it, the Grandinote Mach 8 XL speaker does. Wow... You're good! And so are they! Although it sounds counterintuitive, the one word that comes to mind when describing these very tall, nine-driver speakers is, "Simple." Massimiliano Magri's design philosophy equates to the K.I.S.S. principle (Keep It Simple Stupid). Reduce resonance in the simplest way possible. Reduce intrusion of capacitance, inductance, and resistance as much as possible by eliminating the use of crossover components. Utilize elegant and simple speaker design to improve performance by implementing a modified transmission line that they refer to as a Semi resonance tube.
---> Grandinote Mach 8 XL Floorstanding Loudspeaker Review.



Synergistic Research PowerCell 14 Power Conditioner Review

World Premiere Review!
Synergistic Research PowerCell 14 Power Conditioner Review
Raising the performance of audiophile gear you plug into it.
Review By Rick Becker
The naysayers on internet forums will have a "hey"-day with this review. They complain about reviewers who proclaim that each new product they review is better than the last one. Well, I'm here to plead "guilty" as this is the third power conditioner I've reviewed in the past seven months, along with an incredible 650 photos and 59,000 words in the reviews of the Toronto Audiofest 2024 and Capital Audiofest 2024. Each power conditioner was better than the last, as well as significantly more expensive. Let me give you an overview in case you haven't been following along. My longstanding power conditioner, since July 2017 when the review was published by Enjoy the Music.com, had been the Synergistic PowerCell 8 UEF SE with an Atmosphere Level 2 power cord, a unit that sold for about $2000 at the time.
---> Synergistic Research PowerCell 14 Power Conditioner Review.



Tobian Sound Systems 12FH Full-Range Reference Horn Speaker Review

World Premiere Review!
Tobian Sound Systems 12FH Full-Range Reference Horn Speaker Review
The feeling of being within the studio as musicians play.
Review By Tom Lyle
The Tobian 12 FH hornspeakers' moniker, "Full Range Horn Speakers," accurately reflects their capabilities. These floor-standing speakers feature a 4-inch compression driver with a 9.5-inch horn / mid-high compression driver featuring a titanium diaphragm. The "12" in their name likely refers to their "ultra-light" 12-inch woofer located beneath the horn, near the bottom of their cabinet. The speakers have an impressive frequency response of 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Indeed, these are full-range high-sensitivity loudspeakers. Designed and built in Switzerland, the Tobian 12 FH speakers look striking. Their real wood cabinets measure approximately 3-feet tall, 13-inches wide, and 16.5-inches deep. They are available in custom finishes, although I can't imagine most listeners being more than satisfied with one of their standard finishes: natural wood, high-gloss lacquer, or matte lacquer.
---> Tobian Sound Systems 12FH Full-Range Reference Horn Speaker Review.



YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 Floorstanding Loudspeaker Review

YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 Floorstanding Loudspeaker Review
The middleweight contender....
Review By Phil Gold
Cards on the table. I've owned the YG Carmel and the YG Carmel 2, each of which I've reviewed in these pages in January 2012 and July 2015 respectively. You can read them here and weep. I'm addicted to the ultra-high resolution, low distortion, lightning reflexes, dynamic range and the holographic imaging of the Carmel speakers.  They are not for everyone. Due to the particular way they are constructed from billets of aircraft grade aluminum, they cost a lot of money, and due to their relatively small size, they don't reach down all that deep. The sealed box design does provide a superbly fast accurate bass, but while the quality is high, the quantity is limited. Today I'm going to look at the latest version of the Carmel's bigger brother, the Hailey 2.2.
---> YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 Floorstanding Loudspeaker Review.



Class D Audio Premium GaN 6.0 Balanced Amplifier And Terry Audio EI 30A Balanced Power Two great high-fidelity audio products that offer truly great value. Review By Paul Schumann

World Premiere Review!
Class D Audio Premium GaN 6.0 Balanced Amplifier And Terry Audio EI 30A Balanced Power
Two great high-fidelity audio products that offer truly great value.
Review By Paul Schumann
One of the advertising slogans that makes me the most suspicious is the statement that something is "new and improved". Usually, it means that a company updated the packaging, with little or no change on the inside. The worst scenario is when a significant change is made but for the worse. For those of you old enough to remember the New Coke, you know what I mean. Part of the high-end audio business is updating one's products periodically to maintain public interest. I'm not saying this is wrong or right, it's just how it is. I know most audio manufacturers are tinkers by heart, so they always see room for improvement. While much audio technology is well-established, some areas are rapidly changing. One of those is the implementation of gallium nitride (GaN) devices.
---> Class D Audio Premium GaN 6.0 Balanced Amplifier And Terry Audio EI 30A Balanced Power.



Rogue Audio Sphinx V3 Magnum Hybrid Stereo Integrated Amplifier Review

World Premiere Review!
Rogue Audio Sphinx V3 Magnum Hybrid Stereo Integrated Amplifier Review
Back to the future.
Review By Ric Mancuso / Bargain Audiophile
The Rogue Audio Sphinx was first introduced sometime around late 2013. I purchased the original Sphinx from Rogue Audio upon a recommendation from a friend. Imagine an integrated hybrid tube and solid-state stereo amplifier with 100 Watts output at 8 Ohms (200W @ 4 Ohms), with vacuum tubes in the front end! I later came to find that it was the perfect unit to power my classic Martin Logan SL3 electrostatic hybrid loudspeakers. Turns out that Mark O'Brien of Rogue Audio told me that Rogue Audio had displayed with Martin Logan at audio shows, and it was a superb match-up. I still own the original Sphinx which is still pushing Watts through the SL 3's in our upstairs entertainment system. I reviewed the Rogue Audio Sphinx V2 and V3 subsequent versions over the years.
---> Rogue Audio Sphinx V3 Magnum Hybrid Stereo Integrated Amplifier Review.



Aavik Acoustics I-180 Integrated Amplifier, D-180 DAC, And S-180 Streamer / Network Player Review

Aavik Acoustics I-180 Integrated Amplifier, D-180 DAC, And S-180 Streamer / Network Player Review
A symbiotic sonic relationship... for your listening pleasures.
Review By Tom Lyle
The Danish high-end audio manufacturer Aavik was nice enough to send me three components from their entry level-line. I call this gear "entry-level" not because it is a system priced for those new to the exciting world of high-end audio but because they are the least expensive components in Aavik Acoustics' 180 / 280 / 580 line. I did not know the price of these three components when they arrived at my home for review. On looks alone, I assumed that they would cost much more. About halfway through the review period, I peeked inside the cabinet of this integrated amplifier. Its innards looked as if they were constructed by an engineer but also by a visual artist. Its complex yet very neatly arranged interior was impressive. During my audition of all three components, I determined that their display and intelligent functionality belied their relatively low price.
---> Aavik Acoustics I-180 Integrated Amplifier, D-180 DAC, And S-180 Streamer / Network Player Review.



Furutech DF-2 Vinyl LP Record Disc Flattener Review

Furutech DF-2 Vinyl LP Record Disc Flattener Review
Plus the system that time forgot.
Review By Ray Chowkwanyun
The test record was Linda Rondstadt's Living in the USA. Hers is a voice that comes along once in a generation. Unfortunately, my LP copy had a warp that comes along once in a generation. Altogether, I had four LP copies of this album. The one with the worst warp sounded the best, naturally. The other three sounded the same as far as I could tell. These three I used as my reference so as not to rely on fallible aural memory. The first test record sounded like the other two references and weighed 128 grams. Furutech says not to treat any record weighing less than 110 grams which is 3.88 ounces. Nor any record made during the oil crisis weighing between 100 and 115 grams.) Naturally, you should clean the record before flattening. I use the first three stages of the excellent Walker system.
---> Furutech DF-2 Vinyl LP Record Disc Flattener.



Pro-Ject X2 Vinyl LP Turntable Review

Pro-Ject X2 Vinyl LP Turntable Review
Easy to set up and very easy to use. You will not be disappointed.
Review By Tom Lyle
As the technology advances, it's only natural for any decent audio manufacturer to take advantage of this new technology. And so, when Pro-Ject was faced with improving upon their Debut and Xpression series of turntables, which are both very successful designs, they decided to, in their words, "improve on the technologies that had already been established". As a result, Pro-Ject introduced their X1 and X2 turntables. The X2, the subject of this review, besides many other improvements, , makes the most of higher quality raw materials to use in its production (even though they are more difficult to source), and also increases the size of the turntable's existing components, which resulted in the chassis, platter and tonearm having greater mass, which made the turntable "heavier, and more robust".
---> Pro-Ject X2 Vinyl LP Turntable Review.



A Tribute To... Allen Wright of Vacuum State In heaven, hoping you are enjoying the music my friend. Article By Steven R. Rochlin

A Tribute To... Allen Wright Of Vacuum State
In heaven, hoping you are enjoying the music my friend.
Article By Steven R. Rochlin
As many audiophiles know, Allen Wright of Vacuum State recently passed away. The reason why I did not jump on the news is because he and I were good friends and to just rifle off some article would have been a disservice to this great man. Allen was a New Zealand-born high-end audio designer who began his career on metal can military specification 6L6 tubes. At the age of 12, according to his website, "...he was into one tube regenerative radio, and later misspent his high school years building and operating a fully home brewed SSB ham radio station (ZLIBBO) as well as exploding various pyrotechnic devices. His first stereo system was jury-rigged out of the audio stages of two old radios, single-ended 6V6's with no feedback driving electro-dynamic speakers." Eventually after a string of related jobs, he landed a gig with Hewlett Packard as a service engineer.
---> A Tribute To... Allen Wright Of Vacuum State.



Krell SACD Standard CD And SACD Player Review

Krell SACD Standard CD And SACD Player Review
Can one player do both formats well?
Review By Alvin Gold
Krell Industries announced its first high-resolution disc player, the SACD Standard, at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January 2003, and it is now in full serial production. It is a dedicated SACD player of some sophistication, but it is far from representing the limits of Krell's ambitions in high-resolution disc replay. A universal player is currently in development, which will bring DVD-Audio, DVD-Video, SACD and CD replay under one roof. But Krell's CEO, Dan D'Agostino, is on record with the view that SACD is more likely to succeed long term than DVD-Audio, and it is this, along with the somewhat simpler engineering challenges involved, which provide the best clues why the SACD Standard reached the market in advance of a universal player. For reasons that hardly need spelling out, it is also likely to be significantly more affordable than any Krell badged universal player.
---> Krell SACD Standard CD And SACD Player Review.



Manley Labs Shrimp Pre-Amplifier And Snapper Power Amplifier Review Tony Goes Fishing For Tube Equipment Review by Tony Maresch

Manley Labs Shrimp Pre-Amplifier And Snapper Power Amplifier Review
Tony Goes Fishing For Tube Equipment
Review by Tony Maresch
While touring the 2002 Montreal Festival Du Son audio show I got my first exposure to Manley Laboratories tube equipment. The audiopathic crew were having fun putting these cool stickers proclaiming "TUBES RULE" all over the place on the 7th floor at the Delta Hotel. Further investigation revealed what all the fuss was about. Hooked up a pair of Maat Audio speakers was a Manley Shrimp pre-amplifier and pair of Manley Snapper power amplifiers. The sounds this combo produced were wonderful, even under show conditions, which are less than ideal. EveAnna Manley, CEO of Manley Laboratories, was there to introduce her equipment to the Canadian market, and explained with quite a degree of technical expertise what was involved in developing and manufacturing that makes this combination sound so wonderful. EveAnna Manley firmly believes in the superiority of tube circuits in audio.
---> Manley Labs Shrimp Pre-Amplifier And Snapper Power Amplifier Review.



Sony VFETs In Push-Pull Class A By Nelson Pass Of Pass Labs And First Watt

Sony VFETs In Push-Pull Class A By Nelson Pass
Common Source Mode, Transformer Coupled
Article By Nelson Pass
This article is the first of a series presenting fairly simple "Do-It-Yourself" audio power amplifiers using Static Induction Transistors. SITs are a rare breed of transistor which have characteristics particularly desired by some audiophiles. They were first developed in Japan in the early 1970's and known then as VFETs. Brought to market by Sony and Yamaha in the 1970's and into the 80's they largely vanished except as a lingering legend among audio aficionados. My hands-on experience with SITs followed the publication of my 2010 piece "The Sweet Spot" where I discussed positioning the operating points of Class A amplifiers for load lines which allowed trade-offs involving the characteristic curves of the devices. One of these, equivalent to the Plate Resistance in tubes, we will call Drain Resistance and it is possible to exploit this for better (or at least different) performance.
---> Sony VFETs In Push-Pull Class A By Nelson Pass.



The Intro Editorial By Art Dudley

The Intro
Editorial By Art Dudley
Is Tony Rice the "best" guitarist in bluegrass music? Before you scold me for looking at the world that way — stuffing artists into neat little pigeonholes and ranking musicians the way most people rank baseball players — bear in mind that I don't do it half as much as I used to. And since kids can be forgiven for thinking like that, I have let myself off the hook for all those nights I drove around town with my pals, arguing over whose guitar heroes were the "best," like some adolescent McLaughlin Group in plaid flannel shirts. (John McLaughlin: "Who's heavier, Jeff Beck or Jimmy Page?" Jack Germond: "I think it's Jimmy Page." John McLaughlin: "Wrong again. Pat Buchanan, who's heavier...?").
---> Listener Magazine The Intro By Art Dudley.



A No-Nonsense Line Conditioner

A No-Nonsense Line Conditioner
Article By Mike Van Evers
From Sound Practices Magazine
I hope that it comes as no great surprise that line filters will improve the sound of your audio system. I'm not going to try to prove it to the skeptics. I'll just nod in  agreement and congratulate them when they do discover the benefits of less noise filling up the blank spaces in their music. Line filters have been around in commercial use for several decades, primarily for keeping RFI/EMI out of computers and other digital equipment. Tice, API, and others have made versions that are application specific for audio that, according to many thousands of users, do a good job. I have been making line filters for several years. Until May of this year, they were just another "something else" that I researched and then built. They were used in recording and playback systems for pro audiophile recordings. Other people had heard improvements, but I hadn't taken the time to do a serious 'before and after' listening test.
---> A No-Nonsense Line Conditioner.



VALVE Magazine Rare Birds

Rare Birds
Listening impressions of some collectible equipment.
There, I hope that helps keep anyone from getting to upset, because I'm going to be honest about what I thought of some very highly touted equipment. Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to audition a Marantz 7 preamp and 8 power amp which were consigned to me. Both pieces were in excellent electronic shape and very good to excellent cosmetic shape. The preamp had been checked out and a new filter cap installed by Audio Classics, the guys in New York who sell all the Mac stuff for huge prices. Both units had been freshly re-tubed with ARS tubes, and were driven daily by their owner, a high end audio dealer. The output tubes in the amp appeared to be relabeled GE 6CA7s, but I won't commit to that. So I got the stuff home and listened to it.
---> Rare Birds... VALVE Magazine.



Eminent Technology LFT8c Floorstanding Loudspeaker Review Dipole done well. Review By Jules Coleman

Eminent Technology LFT8c Loudspeaker Review
Dipole done well.
Review By Jules Coleman
If you are not familiar with Bruce Thigpen, it's time you were. Bruce has been among the more creative and innovative designers in the audio industry over the past forty years. He began his career by working on what was to become the Infinity turntable, which he followed with the classic and much-admired ET 2 linear tracking tonearm (parts and updates are still available for the model 1, ET-2 and ET- 2.5), before turning his attention to magnetic planar loudspeakers. Beginning with the full-range planar LFT3, he ultimately shifted focus to hybrid designs featuring planar mid and high-frequency drivers mated with traditional cone drivers to handle the lower frequencies. The shift in focus led to the development of the LFT-8 introduced in 1989 and then widely distributed beginning in 1990, the transformative version of which, LFT-8c, is the subject of this review.
---> Eminent Technology LFT8c Loudspeaker Review.



Zesto Audio Eros 500 Select Class A Monoblock Review

World Premiere Review!
Zesto Audio Eros 500 Select Class A Monoblock Review
The Eros 500 is a neutral, realistic, and natural-sounding amplifier. true standard of excellence.
Review By Robert H. Levi
The more I immerse myself in this hobby since I retired from the entertainment industry in 2008, the more certain I have become that the amplifier is the most important and telling piece of equipment in your system. It was in the late 1970s that J. Gordon Holt stated in Stereophile that one should buy a very good speaker that fits your needs and then bust your budget on an excellent amplifier. I have more or less followed that advice over the last half century of reproducing music in my home. Lately, however, with the maturation of really great tube and hybrid source devices, phono preamp sources and superb LP pressings, extraordinary phono cartridges, SACDs, much improved digital streaming with high resolution, and the maturing science of neutral and high-definition interconnectivity, I have confirmed that JGH was 100% right.
---> Zesto Audio Eros 500 Select Class A Monoblock Review.



Avantgarde Acoustic Duo XD Hornspeaker Review

Avantgarde Acoustic Duo XD Hornspeaker Review
Blow Up! – With the Duo XD, Avantgarde Acoustic shows what horn technology and a perfectly matched active woofers... are able to do to the sound.
Review By Matthias Böde
Yes, you have read the measurement results from our lab correctly (in case you checked them): For 94 decibels of sound pressure at a distance of one meter, this speaker needs just 0.07 Watts of power. Seven Watts would be somewhat normal, 0.7 Watts already a sensation – but 0.07 Watts reads like a typo. It is completely true though! This is made possible by the large horn at the top end of the Duo XD, coming from the specialist Avantgarde Acoustic, based in a small town in the Odenwald mountain range in southwestern Germany. This horn is connected directly to the amplifier without any intermediate crossover and visually symbolizes the phenomenal efficiency with its huge opening of 67 centimeters.
---> Avantgarde Acoustic Duo XD Hornspeaker Review.



Gryphon Audio Essence Preamplifier And Essence Stereo Power Amplifier Review

Gryphon Audio Essence Preamplifier
And Essence Stereo Power Amplifier Review
Blown away by an amazing musical performance!
Review By Tom Lyle
The Gryphon Essence preamplifier and Gryphon Stereo power amplifier are gorgeous looking and beautiful sounding Danish high-end audio components. Those who can afford either or both of these components will not only enjoy stellar sound quality but most likely will also be able to enjoy the fact that they are the epitome of audio equipment that has a look and "feel" of luxury goods. Gryphon founder Flemming E. Rasmussen was responsible for the stunningly beautiful exterior of the rather large (and heavy!) Gryphon Essence preamplifier and Stereo Essence power amplifier. Good looks and operational refinement are especially true of the Gryphon Essence preamplifier. Its weighty infrared metal remote was only one indication of this Danish audio manufacturer's recognition of many audiophile's appreciation of the intangibles that are available on many preamps.
---> Gryphon Audio Essence Preamplifier & Essence Amplifier Review.



Rotel A12MKII Integrated Amplifier Review

Rotel A12MKII Integrated Amplifier Review
The night the lights went out in Long Branch,
Is the Rotel A12MKII the ideal amplifier to build a $3000 stereo system around with 2 great sources? I would say you're foolish not to try it.
Review By Ian White
Have you ever been listening to your system and the lights go out? It's not a good feeling because there is always the risk that when the power comes back on that something will be amiss. I've used power line conditioners for almost 20 years but our experience with Hurricane Sandy here on the Shore was not a good one. My wife thinks that I missed my calling as a Weather Channel talking head because I'd scare the living crap out of everyone with my forecasts, but I had a bad feeling about Sandy with our home only blocks from the ocean and so many trees surrounding our property. We didn't tell anyone that we were expecting our third child (Jewish custom is to wait three months) at the time so it was on me to get the house ready and get anything of value out the way and on really high shelving in our garage.
---> Rotel A12MKII Integrated Amplifier Review.



Ten Misconceptions About Loudspeaker Spikes Clearing up misunderstandings regarding loudspeaker feet.

Ten Misconceptions About Loudspeaker Spikes
Clearing up misunderstandings regarding loudspeaker feet.
Article By Norman Varney
I have been working professionally in both the sound and vibration, and consumer electronics industries for decades. As an acoustical engineer and manufacturer of mechanical vibration isolation products, I feel compelled to address the misconceptions of incorporating spikes (or any rigid materials) with loudspeakers and/or other audio equipment. These misconceptions do not exist in the sound and vibration industries, and are very rare in the pro audio world, however they are very prevalent in the audiophile world. There are many physical, acoustical, and perceptual disciplines involved here- we are only going to address the primary ones, and in only a general way, meaning we won't discuss the secondary or additional attributes that may come into play. There are some key concepts of physics to be applied.
---> Ten Misconceptions About Loudspeaker Spikes.



Ayon Audio CD-35 II CD Player And USA Labs RS9 Music Server Review

Ayon Audio CD-35 II CD Player And USA Labs RS9 Music Server Review
Two very versatile, and impressive, performers.
Review By Bob Grossman
The Ayon Audio CD-35 II as reviewed here, is the latest introduction to a long lineage of CD players that have been well regarded going back to the various models in the 3 and 5 series, along with ideas derived from their special edition CD35HF. But the CD-35 II is more than a CD player – it is also a fully functioning preamplifier and DAC. It is a single-ended triode pure Class A design using a 6H30 and a 5687 tube for each channel, and a GZ30 tube as a rectifier for the power supply. It is also a zero-feedback design. Ayon Audio's CD-35 II built-in DAC can be used to play music files from your computer via the USB connection. The DAC also has a coaxial RCA input for S/PDIF, I2S, BNC, AES/EBU, and three other BNC inputs for DSD. For this review I also evaluated the USA Labs RS9 music server to coordinate streaming of music from Qobuz.
---> Ayon CD-35 II CD Player And USA Labs RS9 Music Server Review.



Pass Laboratories XP-22 Line Preamplifier And XP-27 Phono Preamplifier Review


Pass Laboratories XP-22 Line Pre & XP-27 Phono Pre Review
Colossal soundstage and the pinpoint imagining prowess!
Review By Tom Lyle
I began to assemble my first "real" audio system while still in high school. I made it chiefly from DIY components and other "vintage" gear I could scrounge from friends and family. At that time, I don't think I heard anyone use the term "audiophile." All I knew was that I wanted to hear music at home on a better system than the mass-market stuff sold at department stores. This was also about the same time I discovered a high-end audio showroom near my parent's suburban home. Every once in a while, I would quietly enter their store. There was no way I would have been able to sit in the comfy chair in front of one of the active displays and listen to a system. But I did walk among the array of components on display, and when no one was looking, turn the knobs up and down and flip the switches on the front panels of a component or two while it was muted or its power was off.
---> Pass Labs XP-22 Line Pre & XP-27 Phono Pre Review.




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