The Recommendations Without concentrating on their music in particular, the recommendations in this column will be influenced by the heady aroma of vivaciousness, virtuosity and unconventionality that the Gypsies incarnate so profoundly. Don't be surprised to find that featured albums always receive glowing reports. Why waste bad ink when there's so much great music to write about? Global Caravan endeavors to introduce you to music that stylistically would often fall through the cracks of neat categorizations. Think of it as World Music, Ethnic Music, International Music - hybrids that arose when artists, due to the opened access of our global village and Age of shared data, were exposed to styles outside of their own culture and began to experiment with crossovers. Some of the resultant collaborations constitute the most vibrant, cosmopolitan and contemporary music alive. Here's to hoping you'll enjoy the selections. Cheers!
Luis Delgado El Sueño de Al-Zaqqâq Sanjeev and Karuna Inspiration Unfolding Omar Faruk Tekbilek Alif - Love Supreme Jai Uttal and the Pagan Love Orchestra Mondo Rama Claude Chalhoub Claude Chalhoub Anouar Brahem Trio Astrakan Café Nedim Nalbantoglu - Robert de Brasov Trio L'Odeur du Vent
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