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September 2024

Special Blue Note Awards Issue!


High-Performance Audio & Music Industry News Essential high-end audio news you need to know. Stay up-to-date on the latest audiophile and music industry news.

High-Performance Audio & Music Industry News
Essential high-end audio news you need to know.
Stay up-to-date on the latest audiophile and music industry news.



The Critics' Choice Awards

The Critics' Choice Awards
What may be an award-winning article....
Article By Roger Skoff
As you already know, besides writing these articles, I also design and manufacture a line of high-performance audio cables. It's actually my second cable line, the first having been sold long ago to a Canadian company after many years of success and the earning of many awards from around the world. As you can imagine, I'm very pleased and proud about all of the awards earned by both companies, but I also know that, while each of those awards represents the positive opinion of one or more reviewers or even the consensus of a whole panel of recognized audio experts, the only real expert for any given product or system is the person who – after personally hearing it perform in his system, within his listening room, playing his own choice of music, either likes it or not. To explain this, let me tell you about a purely unplanned and coincidental conversation I had about hi-fi just yesterday with someone who doesn't think he's an audiophile, but who's interested and would like to become one.
---> The Critics' Choice Awards.



Synergistic Research Pink Fuses Review

World Premiere Review!
Synergistic Research Pink Fuses Review
Gentlemen, start your engines!
Review By Rick Becker
First, let's dispose of all the Barbie jokes about Synergistic Research's new Pink fuses. Aftermarket fuses have been a legitimate category for years now and the Pink fuse is a lot closer to Oppenheimer than Barbie. Coming only a year after the release of the Master fuse, this new fuse caught me by surprise. Usually, technology trickles down, and this time Ted Denney, fuse maestro extraordinaire, borrowed some tricks learned in the development of the Master fuse and his Voodoo Server – namely, a new high-voltage conditioning process that claims to improve texture and resolution. Another improvement comes from a new conductivity treatment developed for what is likely his new, yet-to-be-released, Reference power conditioner that is said to improve low-level detail retrieval, yield improved tonal color, and deliver greater dynamic performance. I suspect this latter treatment was also used on the new PowerCell 8 SX which I recently reviewed and awarded a Blue Note Award. The PowerCell 8 SX certainly exhibited those very same improved qualities.
---> Synergistic Research Pink Fuses Review.



Best Of 2024 Blue Note Award By Enjoy the Music.com

Best Of 2024 Blue Note Equipment Awards
Celebrating the best high fidelity / high-end audiophile gear of 2024!
High-End Audio Awards By Enjoy the Music.com
Enjoy the Music.com's Best Of 2024 Blue Note Awards celebrates the many great achievements by audiophile manufacturers within the high-end audio and Hi-Res Audio industry. Our 2024 Blue Note Awards is a culmination of more than two decades of reviewing high-end audio equipment and carefully choosing what products have earned special recognition for our annual awards. Our Best Of 2024 Blue Note Award celebrates the finest products we have reviewed during the previous 12 months. Recipients have been carefully chosen after much debate and consideration by our staff of reviewers. With each passing year our industry has experienced great advancements in technology including analog circuitry, vinyl LP and analog playback, digital-to-analog converters (DACs), loudspeaker design, personal media players, and more.
---> Best Of 2024 Blue Note Equipment Awards.



Naim Audio NAP 350 Reference Mono Amplifier And  NVC TT Phono Stage With NPX TT PS Review

World Premiere Review!
Naim Audio NAP 350 Reference Mono Amplifier
And NVC TT Phono Stage With NPX TT PS Review
The Naim analog system sounded like listening to the master tape.
Review By Tom Lyle
In the early 1990s, I often visited one of the local high-end audio salons near my home. During one of these visits, while my friend and I were bothering the staff with silly questions, I asked a salesperson which CD player or turntable was playing the loud, awesome-sounding music in the background. Their answer? A Naim Audio FM tuner. To say that I was impressed (and embarrassed) is an understatement. This was my first experience, my first experience with Naim. After this experience, my audiophile friend and I started believing that Naim had a mystic aura surrounding them. In those pre-internet days, rumor had it that this audio company was run by nonconformists, at least compared to the other "major" audio companies we were familiar with. Eventually, I learned more about the UK-based Naim. Finally, about two months ago, I received my first Naim components for review, which included a pair of Naim Audio NAP 350 Reference monoblock power amplifiers, a Naim NVC TT phono stage, and its accompanying NPX TT power supply.
---> Naim Audio NAP 350 Reference Mono Amplifier And NVC TT Phono Stage With NPX TT PS Review.



TriangleArt I-20 Single-Ended Integrated Amplifier Review

World Premiere Review!
TriangleArt I-20 Single-Ended Integrated Amplifier Review
Taking the single-ended triode to a new realm.
Review By Paul Schumann
The single-ended triode is the most venerable of amplifier designs. The Western Electric amplifier designs of the 1930s have stood the test of time. Kondo Audio Note, Audio Note (UK), WAVAC Audio, and Wavelength Audio, among others, pushed the envelope of SET design during the triode revival 30 years ago. Today, designers are continuing to revisit this classic configuration. TriangleArt has thrown its hat into the ring with its new I-20 Single-Ended Integrated Amplifier. TriangleArt is already familiar to Enjoy the Music.com readers because of its phenomenal equipment, which has garnered several Blue Note awards. So I was stunned when the I-20 Single-Ended Integrated Amplifier fell into my lap. The I-20 is TriangleArt's first venture into single-ended amplification. Like many of its components, it takes a different tack on the tried-and-true SE design.
---> TriangleArt I-20 Single-Ended Integrated Amplifier Review.



Acora Acoustics QRC 2 Floorstanding Loudspeaker Review First-class sound quality in a luxurious form factor.

Acora Acoustics QRC 2 Floorstanding Loudspeaker Review
First-class sound quality in a luxurious form factor.
Review By Rick Becker
Val Cora must have spotted my press pass when I first encountered their SRB two-way stand-mounted monitor at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest show back in 2019. He encouraged me to take a closer look and listen as I didn't seem particularly interested. It was my subconscious fear of tipping over heavy stone or aluminum speakers that I later traced back to a childhood trauma incident. Fast forward to 2023 and I've become one of Acora Acoustics' biggest fans, typically including them among the Best Rooms awards in my show reports. Not so much because I like them as because they're so damn good. Val has been a master of setting up rigs in a wide variety of rooms supported by a diverse selection of amplification and front ends. That he consistently features different top-level turntables and phono cartridges has been a particular delight, though he also showcases digital front ends. I fear that since he recently acquired Audio Research, his presentations may become more restricted to their products.
---> Acora Acoustics QRC 2 Floorstanding Loudspeaker Review.



AGD Productions DUET GaN-Power Monoblock Amplifier Review Defining your artistic sensibilities. Review By Dr. Michael Bump

AGD DUET GaN-Power Monoblock Amplifier Review
Defining your artistic sensibilities.
Review By Dr. Michael Bump
Professional musicians have a first love, and it's usually not their mother or high school sweetheart, but rather the instruments they surround themselves with throughout their lives. Sometimes this serves a nostalgic purpose, though in most cases, it is because the instrument's sound defines them (The Harry Potter analogy of "the wand chooses you" comes to mind). Theirs is a uniquely personal relationship. We all identify John "Bonzo" Bonham through his style of drumming and the sound of his Ludwig drum kit. The size, tuning, shell material, cymbals, use of timpani, etc. were his calling card, inspiring his touch / gesture, helping define him, and in turn, helping define Led Zeppelin. For almost his entire career, Pablo Casals performed on but a single instrument – a cello crafted around 1700 by the Venetian luthier, Matteo Gofriller. And of course, who can imagine listening to Willy Nelson's music without the voice of "Trigger," his faithful Martin N-20 nylon-string guitar, on which he's been performing and recording for over 55 years.
---> AGD DUET GaN-Power Monoblock Amplifier Review.



Aric Audio Transcend Push Pull Amplifier Review An enlightening listening experience!

Aric Audio Transcend Push Pull Amplifier Review
An enlightening listening experience!
Review By Bob Grossman
In today's machine-driven, highly commoditized world, the sheer number of hand-crafted artisanal products appears to be ultimately going the way of the dodo bird — heading toward extinction. Thankfully, the Aric Audio Transcend Push Pull amplifier from the genius of Aric Kimball is an exception to this rule. Another exception that comes to mind is Rolls-Royce. While it now exists under the corporate umbrella of parent company BMW, Rolls defiantly maintains a great level of independence, continuing to offer buyers an unusually wide array of customization options to satisfy each buyer's unique desires. And so it goes with Aric Audio. Based out of a small suburb in western Massachusetts, for more than 15 years Aric Kimball has specialized in custom, hand-built, superbly crafted audio gear. Fortunately, due partly to Aric's direct-to-consumer business model, one need not have a Rolls-Royce budget to afford the luxury of such exceptional quality audio components. This is a high-value proposition indeed.
---> Aric Audio Transcend Push Pull Amplifier Review.



Audience ClairAudient 1+1 V5 Personal Reference Monitor Review

Audience ClairAudient 1+1 V5 Personal Reference Monitor Review
The little engine that can.
Review By Dr. Michael Bump
Audience President and CEO, John McDonald, is among those exceptional members of the professional audiophile community who serve all consumer interests with quiet equity, succinctly, non-judgmentally, and with knowledgeable authority. His years of innovative experiences designing fine audio products have nurtured a wellspring of advice on a variety of high-end audio topics. Above all and simply stated, John is an exceptional individual any of us would consider fortunate to have in our life circle. A perusal of the Audience website offers an excellently-mapped library of not only the comprehensive offerings of high-level Audience audio products, including cables, power cords, power conditioners, OEM and DIY parts, accessories, and pro audio, but also supportive pages on available upgrades, product/industry news, media coverage (incl. published reviews/awards), as well as an extensive listing of international dealers/distributors.
---> Audience ClairAudient 1+1 V5 Personal Reference Monitor Review.



Avantgarde Acoustic UNO SD Hornspeakers Review The luckiest I've ever felt was when reviewing the UNO SD speakers. Review By Tom Lyle

Avantgarde Acoustic UNO SD Hornspeaker Review
The luckiest I've ever felt was when reviewing the UNO SD speakers.
Review By Tom Lyle
In the mid to late 1990s, I heard a pair of Avantgarde Acoustic horn loudspeakers (hornspeaker) for the first time at a local high-end audio showroom. I don’t remember the model of the speakers I was hearing, but I do recall that they were powered by a pair of Single-Ended Triode (SET) monoblock amplifiers. I assumed that these amps were a perfect match for these sensitive speakers. Sadly, I was not impressed with what I heard that day. The speaker's biggest sin was an exaggerated midrange, epitomizing the "cupped hands" sound. Fast-forward to 2024, when I was offered a pair of Avantgarde UNO SDs for review in Enjoy the Music.com. I was skeptical, fearing I would experience something similar to what I had heard at that local dealer many years ago. Before these speakers arrived, I shared my experience with Avantgarde's North American distributor, American Sound of Canada, about my experience with their horn speakers.
---> Avantgarde Acoustic UNO SD Hornspeaker Review.



Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme 1.4 Preamplifier Review

Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme 1.4 Preamplifier Review
An outstanding preamplifier with excellent connectivity for the music lover who desires more.
Review By Rick Becker
Backert Labs has seemingly come out of nowhere. Their first review appeared in 2015 and Enjoy the Music.com reviewed the 1.3 version of the Rhumba Extreme in 2019. This micro-manufacturer specializes in tube-powered preamplifiers, with a tube phono stage being a logical extension of their focus. All of their manufacturing and assembly is done in the USA. I had heard the buzz on the brand only one other time before my audio buddy, Tom, informed me that he had ordered a Rhumba 1.2 on US Audiomart that had been upgraded to a 1.3. Listening to his familiar system, I noticed an impressive improvement. When the 1.4 series was announced I contacted Andy Tebbe, the President and frontman of the company, and was promised a premiere review when the design was finalized. I waited, and waited, until finally, I met Andy at the Capital Audiofest. He explained that Bob Backert, the designer and CEO of this company kept coming up with incremental improvements that slowed final release.
---> Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme 1.4 Preamplifier Review.



Børresen X2 Floorstanding Loudspeakers Review Fantastic-sounding sleek speakers.

Børresen X2 Floorstanding Loudspeakers Review
Fantastic-sounding sleek speakers.
Review By Tom Lyle
The Børresen X2 is the smallest speaker in Børresen's X-Series. Even though it is Børresen's smallest speaker in that line, it is a floorstanding speaker 3.5 feet tall and weighs 80 pounds. Børresen's website calls the X2 intro-level speaker. At $8,800 a pair, whether one considers this price entry-level is debatable, but everything is relative – compared with the other speakers in Børresen's X-series, the X2 is reasonably priced. And as you'll read in this review (spoiler alert!), I have nothing but praise for the Børresen X2. After unpacking the X2s, I discovered that this slim, stylish 2.5-way floorstanding speaker had quite a small footprint. Viewed from above, the speakers are more or less triangular. The X2's front baffle is about one foot wide, but its cabinet narrows as it reaches its rear panel, which is a mere one inch wide. This narrow rear panel appears slightly wider at points to allow for the speaker's ports, three round cylinders near the top of its cabinet, and three near the bottom. At first glance, I thought that the ports resembled exhaust pipes!
---> Børresen X2 Floorstanding Loudspeakers Review.



FiiO R9 Flagship Music Player, Streamer, Headphone Amplifier, And Hi-Res Lossless DAC Review

FiiO R9 Flagship Music Player, Streamer, Headphone Amplifier, And Hi-Res Lossless DAC Review
May the Cube be with you.
Review By Paul Schumann
I've been having a bit of an existential crisis the last couple of years over one basic question: Am I a Luddite? As a young man who grew up with a dad who worked for IBM, I felt I was always willing to embrace new promising technologies. During the late 1970s, we had a prototype for a home computer for a few months. If you wanted to do anything with it you had to program it yourself. In my senior year of high school, I built a Heathkit digital stopwatch to time my friends at track meets. In 1986 I bought a second-gen CD player when you could still find only a handful of CDs in the record store. At the same time, however, I stubbornly hung on to the Dynaco stuff I was using. Why? Because nothing I was listening to in the audio stores sounded nearly as good. Well, there was the Conrad Johnson and Audio Research gear, but it was out of my price range. But it seems that through most of my adult life, I've straddled the divide between "they don't make them like they used to" and "new and improved".
---> FiiO R9 Flagship Music Player, Streamer, Headphone Amplifier, And Hi-Res Lossless DAC Review.



LampizatOr Pacific 2 DAC Review One of the best values for a high-performance DAC.

LampizatOr Pacific 2 DAC Review
One of the best values for a high-performance DAC.
Review By Dr. Matthew Clott
When LampizatOr came out with their state-of-the-art $49,000 Horizon assault on DAC'dom, they had a larger plan in mind. The Horizon was the first in an entirely new redesign of LampizatOr's take on building a digital-to-analog converter. Everything learned from their first Big7 through the Golden Gate to the Pacific, was a foundation upon which the next generation of LampizatOr would be based. Somewhere during the past few years, it became apparent that they had taken their current designs and engineering schematics to the limits of what those circuits could yield. To progress and advance LampizatOr into the future, a completely new engine, circuits, power supplies, and enclosure would be needed; and the Horizon was born. Moving forward, all of their new products will benefit from design principles inherent in the Horizon.
---> LampizatOr Pacific 2 DAC Review.



LessLoss BlackGround For Speakers Review A breakthrough loudspeaker signal conditioner.

LessLoss BlackGround For Speakers Review
A breakthrough loudspeaker signal conditioner.
Review By Rick Becker
The original LessLoss BlackGround 10X Power Base was such a spectacular product it was an easy choice for an annual Blue Note Award in 2023. Then I received advance word of the new BlackGround for Speakers. Would that be as impressive as the original Power Base? Would it be simply an alternate choice? Or would there be diminishing returns with both of them in the system? Then I discovered there would be both a stereo version and a larger, more potent monoblock version of the new Speaker Base. How would these two compare? And while I'm at it, Louis Motek had two power cords above the base Prime cord that would improve the performance of the BlackGrounds. Should I try those, too?
---> LessLoss BlackGround For Speakers Review.



Merrill Audio Element 110 Monoblock Power Amplifier Review

Merrill Audio Element 110 Monoblock Power Amplifier Review
A significant accomplishment!
Review By Tom Lyle
I would understand if some readers of Enjoy the Music.com assumed that I was in cahoots with the high-end audio company Merrill Audio. This is my fifth review of a Merrill Audio component. Within the April 2015 issue I reviewed Merrill Audio's Thor monoblock power amplifiers and, also that year, Merrill's Taranis power amps. In 2017, I reviewed Merrill's outstanding Christine Reference preamplifier. Then, in 2018, I reviewed their mighty 118 monoblock power amplifiers. I have reviewed many of Merrill Audio's products because their headquarters are about twenty miles from my home. The owner of Merrill Audio, Merrill Wettasinghe, has hand-delivered each review component I've reviewed. While he is here, and because Mr. Wettasinghe and I are both audiophiles and music lovers, we often listen to some music after setting up the equipment. Afterward, we frequently get something to eat at a local eatery. Does our professional friendship influence my reviews of Merrill Audio's high-end audio equipment?
---> Merrill Audio Element 110 Monoblock Power Amplifier Review.



Nagra Classic DAC II, PSU Power Supply, And VFS Review

Nagra Classic DAC II, PSU Power Supply, And VFS Review
Bringing tears of joy when listening to special songs.
Review By Tom Lyle
In January 2021, I was fortunate to review Nagra's Tube DAC and Classic PSU power supply. In my review, I said that the owners of this vacuum tube Hi-Res Audio DAC will be able to appreciate the "sonic glory" of this "high-performance component." So, I was not surprised that the Nagra Tube DAC and its PSU power supply were awarded Enjoy The Music.com's Best Of 2021 Award. After I finished the review, I was not psyched to return the $40,900 package consisting of the Nagra Tube DAC, Classic PSU power supply, and VFS Classic base to the distributor. I was captivated by the sound quality this digital front end contributed to my system. My reference DAC, an EMM Labs DA2, is no slouch, but this Nagra Tube DAC package costs twice as much. It was not twice as good as the EMM Labs converter; it doesn't work that way, but the improvement in sound quality was significant. I jumped at the chance when I was offered the subject of this review, the relatively new Nagra Classic DAC II / PSU / VFS combo.
---> Nagra Classic DAC II, PSU Power Supply, And VFS Review.



Rogue Audio Stereo 100 'Dark' Vacuum Tube Amplifier Review

Rogue Audio Stereo 100 'Dark' Vacuum Tube Amplifier Review
Musical purity and natural ease bring out the very best in your loudspeakers.
Review By Ric Mancuso
Rogue Audio's designer Mark O'Brien has been on a tear lately with updated and new models that are setting the bar higher for the competition. I recently wrote about the new Rogue Audio Pharaoh II and the Sphinx Model 3 before the Stereo 100 Dark as reviewed here. You might say, they all came first under the checkered flag. Mark is a high-performance car and motorbike enthusiast, along with being driven — no pun intended — by his passion for premium audio high-end sound. I guess you could call him a gearhead. Hey, aren't we all at some level? Funny, how speedy motorbikes are a thing with other audio designers in the industry. To name a few, EveAnna Manley of Manley Audio, Sean Casey of Zu Audio, and Mark O'Brien of Rogue Audio. I have an exercise bike.
---> Rogue Audio Stereo 100 'Dark' Vacuum Tube Amplifier Review.



RSX Benchmark Series Cables Review

RSX Benchmark Series Cables Review
You owe it to yourself to try these out.
Review By Brett Rudolph
It's always an experience when you get the opportunity to review cables. They take a while to break in, and if they do their job correctly, they should disappear, leaving you with the ultimate playback system, where everything is perfect. In reality, of course, no playback system can be perfect — the components and speakers you use always impact the quality of the sound you hear. However, what people fail to realize is that, although sometimes subtly, the cables you use can and usually do impact the sound, as well. It seems like yesterday, but in reality, it was a few months ago when I first spoke to Roger Skoff, the designer and owner of RSX cables. Roger was involved in cable design for quite several years. The first brand of cables he launched was XLO, the brand whose most famous ad was a two-page spread showing just a loop of cable (no connectors) and, in small type, just the words: Looks like no other, sounds like no other, sounds like nothing at all.
---> RSX Benchmark Series Cables Review.



Simaudio MOON 641 Integrated Amplifier And 681 Network Player / DAC Review Stereo sound system synergy plus MOONLink technology.

Simaudio MOON 641 Integrated Amplifier And 681 Network Player / DAC Review
Stereo sound system synergy plus MOONLink technology.
Review By Tom Lyle
Last year, I had the pleasure of reviewing MOON's 250i V2 integrated amplifier. Even though its output is "only" 50 Watts per channel, I praised it, concluding, "I felt a connection to the music that passed through this integrated amplifier, as it belied its price." The Simaudio MOON 250i V2 is priced five times less than the integrated amp reviewed here but with a third less output power. The MOON 641 integrated amplifier and the 681 network player/DAC are both part of MOON's NOŘTH Collection. From reading about them on the MOON website, I've learned that they are not simply new audio components but "a testament to MOON's commitment to pushing the envelope of audio technology. They are designed to deliver an unmatched listening experience in clarity and depth." Simaudio's MOON 641 integrated amplifier features their Distortion-Cancelling Amplifier (MDCA) technology. It is used exclusively in North Collection components of MOON. This feature has an independent circuit to perform signal correction to lower noise and distortion. The MOON 641's dual-mono configuration "fills the room with rich, immersive sound."
---> Simaudio MOON 641 Integrated Amplifier And 681 Network Player / DAC Review.



Synergistic Research PowerCell 8 SX Review

Synergistic Research PowerCell 8 SX Review
Pushing your sound system to the next level with innovative technology.
Review By Rick Becker
After catching more than 48 gigs during the nine-day 21st Rochester International Jazz Festival, I rode home after the final show with the sound of live music etched in my mind. The Brubeck Bros. had been scheduled for Kilbourn Hall, an acoustically rich 444-seat performance hall at the Eastman School of Music, but heavy rains overnight and during the day resulted in buckets spread throughout the hall to catch nature's dribbles. It was rescheduled for Kodak Hall, the main venue at the Eastman Theater with enough seats for everyone who wished to be there. I sat reasonably close, maybe 8 rows back in the center to catch a mix of the Steinway piano, the drums, the electric bass, and the electric guitar. Splendid. And easy to hear why this venue is used for the premium Headliner performances at JazzFest and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra the rest of the year. I typically buy a JazzPass, allowing me to attend as many performances as I wish among the multiple smaller venues. Fast footwork and careful pre-planning helped me maximize this annual music festival.
---> Synergistic Research PowerCell 8 SX Review.



TAD Evolution C1000 Preamplifier And M1000 Power Amplifier Review

TAD Evolution C1000 Preamplifier And M1000 Power Amplifier Review
Two top-notch solid-state components.
Review By Tom Lyle
TAD (Technical Audio Devices) is a high-end audio manufacturer based in Tokyo. It is a subsidiary of the sizable mass-market audio manufacturer Pioneer. Although Pioneer produces some fine, mostly affordable gear, TAD works independently of Pioneer, designing and manufacturing much more upscale high-end audio products. In 1975, the Tokyo-based Pioneer Corporation began TAD to develop high-end speakers for professional use. In 2007, TAD became an independent subsidiary of Pioneer and has been designing and manufacturing all types of high-end audio products primarily focusing on speakers and amplifiers for home use. Previously, my only experience reviewing TAD products was two years ago, when I reviewed their $20,000 Evolution Two (TAD-E2) floor-standing speakers. These 2.5-way speakers impressed me both in their visual appearance and sound quality.
---> TAD Evolution C1000 Preamplifier And M1000 Power Amplifier Review.



Volti Audio Lucera Hybrid Horn / Bass-Reflex Loudspeaker Review

Volti Audio Lucera Hybrid Horn / Bass-Reflex Loudspeaker Review
Taking a deep dive into the aural matrix.
Review By Paul Schumann
What do I really want out of this hobby? I'm sure all of us have asked that question. We start by listening to music we love on a system we possess. Then we hear that music on a better system and notice things we'd never heard before. That lights a fire in our belly. How can I hear that at home? We talk to other people, listen to other systems, and realize that not everyone hears the same things as we do. Then, we have that aha moment when we hear a system that touches our inner child. That happened to me when Dr. Day plopped me down in front of his homebrew SET system driving a pair of Altec A7s. From then on, I knew exactly what I wanted. The next question became, how am I going to get there? Dr. Day spent years listening and soldering to get what tickled his fancy. My sensei David is on a similar journey. The late Sakuma built different systems to listen to various kinds of music. For all three of these seekers, the cornerstone of their quest was high efficiency-speakers.
---> Volti Audio Lucera Hybrid Horn / Bass-Reflex Loudspeaker Review.



Previous Annual Blue Note Awards

Best Of 2023 Blue Note Award

High-End Audio / Audiophile Product Of The Year Awards 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, and 2001.



Review: Aavik  S-280 Streamer, U-280 Unity Integrated Amp with built-in DAC, Ansuz Acoustics Mainz8 A2 AC Power Distribution Bar, Mainz8 A2 AC Ansuz Power Cords, Speakz Speaker Cables, Digitalz Ethernet Cable, PowerSwitch A2 Ethernet Switch, Darkz C2t Isolation Footers, and Titanium Balls for Ansuz Acoustics Darkz C2t.

Aavik Acoustics System Review
High-end audio equipment is made by those who love music.
Review By Tom Lyle
Aavik S-280 Streamer, U-280 Unity Integrated Amp with built-in DAC, Ansuz Acoustics Mainz8 A2 AC Power Distribution Bar, Mainz8 A2 AC Ansuz Power Cords, Speakz Speaker Cables, Digitalz Ethernet Cable, PowerSwitch A2 Ethernet Switch, Darkz C2t, Resonance Control Devices, and Titanium Balls for Ansuz Acoustics Darkz C2t.
The subjects of this review feature components and accessories from two of the three brands designed and manufactured by The Audio Group Denmark, which acts as an umbrella company for Aavik Acoustics, Ansuz Acoustics, and Børresen Acoustics. The company was started by two Danes, Lars Kristensen, and Michael Børresen, who first met more than 20 years ago. Aavik Acoustics designs and manufactures many types of high-end audio components, such as amplifiers, DACs, phono stages, and streamers. Ansuz Acoustics products consist of what most audiophiles would call high-end audio accessories, cables, power distribution, streaming accessories, and resonance control devices.
---> Aavik Acoustics System Review.



Audience Hidden Treasure In-Wall AC PowerCable & High Definition Wall Receptacle Review

Audience Hidden Treasure In-Wall AC PowerCable And High Definition Wall Receptacle Review
Like a buried treasure that pays huge dividends in musical enjoyment!
Review By Rick Becker
If you're reading this review, you're either considering the installation of a dedicated line in what is likely your dedicated listening room or perhaps your home theater...  or maybe the video rig in your family room if you're seriously into watching TV. Or possibly, you've already installed a line and are wondering if this new Audience cable might be a worthwhile upgrade. In any case, I suspect you're already convinced that "everything matters" in high-end audio, especially cables. Keep reading. Audience is one of the most respected cable manufacturers and my ears perked up when I saw the ad for their new In-Wall AC cable. It's been 20 years since I reviewed Joe Skubinski's JPS Labs Power AC In-Wall cable. He's sold miles of it and "Big Red" has remained my reference dedicated line ever since. What's taken so long for the competition to arise?
---> Audience Hidden Treasure In-Wall AC PowerCable And High Definition Wall Receptacle Review.



Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Systems Progression S350 Stereo Power Amplifier Review

Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Systems Progression S350 Stereo Power Amplifier Review
The Dan D'Agostino S350 amplifier makes each musical selection sound spectacular!
Review By Tom Lyle
Dan D'Agostino Master Audio products are not the most expensive audio components on the market, but in my opinion, their audio products are some of the best sounding high-end audio components I've ever had the pleasure of auditioning. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to review two D'Agostino Master Audio components in the past. In 2017, I reviewed the excellent-sounding Momentum Lifestyle integrated amplifier, which had an onboard DAC and could also be used as a streamer with its front-panel LCD metadata display. Also in 2017, I reviewed D'Agostino Master Audio System's Momentum phono stage, which I was highly impressed with its outstanding sound quality and very user-friendly front panel controls.
---> Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Systems Progression S350 Stereo Power Amplifier Review.



Ayon Audio CD-35 II CD Player And USA Labs RS9 Music Server Review

Ayon Audio CD-35 II CD Player And USA Labs RS9 Music Server Review
Two very versatile, and impressive, performers.
Review By Bob Grossman
The Ayon Audio CD-35 II as reviewed here, is the latest introduction to a long lineage of CD players that have been well regarded going back to the various models in the 3 and 5 series, along with ideas derived from their special edition CD35HF. But the CD-35 II is more than a CD player – it is also a fully functioning preamplifier and DAC. It is a single-ended triode pure Class A design using a 6H30 and a 5687 tube for each channel, and a GZ30 tube as a rectifier for the power supply. It is also a zero-feedback design. Ayon Audio's CD-35 II built-in DAC can be used to play music files from your computer via the USB connection. The DAC also has a coaxial RCA input for S/PDIF, I2S, BNC, AES/EBU, and three other BNC inputs for DSD. For this review I also evaluated the USA Labs RS9 music server to coordinate streaming of music from Qobuz.
---> Ayon CD-35 II CD Player And USA Labs RS9 Music Server Review.




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